On the biological software called life, the human genome and why motivation matters

The biological software

The way I see reality, life is one big biological software.

And when I say software I mean, life as we know it in this cosmos, appears to me to be guided by specific rules, withheld within specific universal constants, like the speed of light, the force of gravity, the existence of atoms, matter, etc. The existence of matter alone gives us the most evident clue of determinism. Matter exists, and that is a fact – which in turn, at some level, makes things pretty much determined and constrained under the notion that in order for something to be perceived, it has to be first materialised. And when we start playing with matter, aka: perceivable stuff, we start entering the realm of creation and determinism. To say life is entirely relative and novel inside any type of creation, is to miss the determined factor of perception itself.

Despite our current understanding of software, build to work mainly within dual decision based factors, 0 and 1’s, pleasure or pain, light and dark, known and unknown – the software of life works with alive waves of what I could best describe as quantum fields, outside of any decision based construction, in a fashion almost incomprehensible for the human mind. The way I could describe it is: the software of life is truly alive. As alive as it gets, at least :)) Yet, it has a level of determinism to it, as I already mentioned. It runs on codes, meaning: agreements. Yep, agreements are our lines of code with which we construct the heart of the software. Meaning: the software of life uses a substance of what we can call: will – to summon up its “bites and pixels”. Will appears to me to transform into matter, into energy, into consciousness, into drives and pulls, magnetism or electricity, and so on. Basically: everything we know and use inside life’s software. So life’s software runs on a liquid rather than a decision based algorithm. Imagine that. Which means the software of life has memory to it, the agreements and wills themselves are alive and can change shape or disposition, so truly: let’s just leave it at saying that the construction of the software of life is almost incompressible for the human mind. Still.. here we are: living it 🙂

Creating creations 🙂

So while inside this morphable substance, this liquid alive software, this ocean (ta-daam 🙂 ) anyone can come and start playing and creating stuff. Anyone can come and use the ocean of life to shape a specific type of creation out of it. To “draw” a specific image on the top of its still surface. Imagination runs bond-less here. Using this alive software anyone can come and pretty much design whatever it imagines. Some creations can be fixed, or have a definite set of rules to them, like a pre-scripted movie we record and then offer it for others to watch without being able to change it, some creations can only have a certain framework set and then players are invited to play and decide the movie as they go along. Some creations can be more material, have more determined rules to them, ask the players to behave and act in some ways, some creations can hold less rules, invite more freedom, experiment more.

And creations can be a one “man’s” thing – where one being uses its will to create a certain creation out of its sole imagination, or a multiple co-creation, where multiple beings unite their wills to create a mutual playground, aka: a mutual creation. All creations are done using the alive software of life. A creation can also be a one player’s playground, where one being creates a creation for its sole experimentation alone. Or a multiple player playground, where multiple beings unite and play together.

Back to our universe

In our current universe, by the fact of being a creation – we can definitely find a certain level of determinism. Matter shapes itself in some specific ways, following some specific outlines or guidelines. Universal constants, gravity, light speed, etc. I call these: universal codes.

Between almost all expressions of matter, being particles or waves, some thing must exist that would put them in perspective to one another, and thus: be perceivable. And that is: a relation. A relation must exists between two waves or two particles, or two anything’s 🙂 If no relation, then: no perception. Even if this relation is malleable or sentient itself, evolving itself as a self willed being on its own – the fact that these two individual expressions need to somehow touch and bond with one another, in order to perceive one another, acts as a first and stable determinator of this universe. So we first need to relate to one another, in order to perceive one another. Matter can only be perceived by having relations. We perceive ourselves, we measure who we are by the relations we have with the other stuff around us. This in itself acts as a rule, which makes our universe predictable and determined, in the finer of the finest levels.

So, back to our universe and how life is disposed in this particular creation. In this particular universe, which happens to run multiple parallel versions of itself, at all times, so we could call it a multiverse or hyperverse or seems-so-huge-don’t-know-how-to-call-it-verse – in this specific creation, there are specific codes or scripts embedded in the property of matter itself.

We could say that this universe has its own embedded, self learning, self developing, self aware DNA.

Yet, even this by now evolved DNA it first started from some specific outlines, some specific rules and codes, that it then went on to develop further. So matter in this universe speaks a specific common language, even if for us this language might seem so diverse, that it might appear impossible to say so. Yet, from what I see, this seems to be the case. The atoms all are friends, know each other and throw parties together. They drink and get along in the same specific manner, independent of the form they are currently shaped in.

See.. it is only the relations that creates the differences. The atoms are all equally the same. What creates the perception of matter is the relation between two specific atoms. The way they bond. The molecules 🙂 Basically what creates a sense of existence is again, not in the matter per se, but in the way matter is displayed: in the relations. We relate and thus we perceive.

Back to our human system

So, I do intend to have an eventual point with this article here. Where I wanted to get, actually, is to how the human body works and how the human body is created to work. And now that we can say we have a slightly more clear understanding of atoms and codes, we can understand that the human body with its entire DNA runs on specific codes. Specific, unique, personalised intents translated into invisible, genetic lines of codes. The human system, as any other system of any other life form, including animal life, plant life, mineral life, etheral life, and so on, is a puzzle of pre-defined codes.

This self learning, self developing, self aware being – called the human DNA – is constantly learning and developing itself, constantly adding or changing its own coding – evolving itself by interacting with its environment. Still.. it continues to and will always be running on codes, even if the coding changes with time. The DNA itself is an organism within the software of life itself, and can only exists herein.

Thus: from the total mass of already acquired and developed codes, through millions of years of trial and error and evolution, the human DNA then creates specific human genomes, little versions of itself, and sends them out in the world to have a life of their own, and learn about themselves, and thus: help the greater DNA learn and evolve as a whole. These individual genomes, contain within themselves the entire amount of codes present in the entire DNA, at any given moment. The only difference between these individual genomes and the whole human DNA is that in these separated genomes, some codes are active, some are inactive – on and off – thus creating: a specific type of individuality, called: a human being. A human being is the expression of the entire – million years worth of evolution – DNA, with a specific, individual, unique appearance. Like the human DNA is producing the same human, over and over again, although with a different hair cut each time 🙂

I think it is for this reason that I heard some people saying everything is one. There might be a truth in this, if we are to limit our understanding of life only to the matter of our human body. All our human bodies are indeed one body, one DNA expressing itself in infinite number of seemingly different forms. One mass conscious self developing being, learning about life and developing itself. And because this being, this DNA, is created within the alive software of life, like an always evolving drawing made upon the still ocean of life, I can see how some beings can assume this drawing is everything there is. Yet.. 🙂

Back to our specific human body, and our personalised juicy genome, we usually call: ourselves. In this specific genome we name to be our human self, let’s remember: all the DNA codes are present. None is missing. Still.. some codes are on, some are off, and most of the time life works with degrees and more often: probabilities, to spice up the game a bit :)) Who says life likes it simple, huh? :)) Meaning: Most codes work with what we can call a probabilistic chance that they are a certain degree active or inactive. We don’t know, yet we can see there is a chance a certain code in a certain genome, it’s most than probably predisposed to want to keep itself active. Oh yeah, I did mentioned the codes are sentient and alive beings on their own, right? :))) They have their own will, awareness, and evolution paths. I did mentioned all of life is alive, in a couple of times, in my writings, right? :))

Throughout a human’s lifespan, some codes can change their status. Some codes that were active in the earlier life of the genome, can become rather inactive later on, and so on. Codes also form relationships between them. They experience one another, birth new babies, create new coding, destroy some old coding, and so on. There are wars and treaties, love and hate, pretty similar to the behaviour of our human society, as a whole. Thus: many things can change about a human in the course of one lifetime. From physical aspects, to mental attributes, to emotional maturity (*cough :)) ). What I boldly adventure in saying further is even more than this: a human body with an 100% functioning mind, is the DNA’s pinnacle of self creation, being able to CHOOSE (yes, you read that right) which codes it needs active and which not, in any given situation. Yep, that’s right. A human body with a working human brain, can by design, morph and change shape, characteristics, validate or invalidate genetic codes on the spot, as the being wills it so, according with its needs. Pretty fancy far fetched, impossible to think of, SF stuff, huh? :)) Yet, the truth – as I find – that runs written in our blood.

On activating motivation

To possibly get a bit back on what I actually want to say with this article – there are some codes nice to have active within our current genome, and some codes pitiful to have inactive – to say the least. Some codes if active, make for a healthy individual with a healthy mind, able to cope with its environment, prosper and create – some codes if are inactive make for a rather unhealthy body, an unhealthy mind and ultimately: depression and even suicidal attempts.

Motivation, for example, is one of them. As one being who has struggled (and still do) with a high level of depression episodes and some probable, yet un-diagnosed, cocktail of mental illnesses, I can say that if the motivation code is not tick properly inside a specific genome, at a specific time, things can rapidly go from insane to unbearable to live. One of the most painful things I ever experienced, emotionally and mentally, as a human being – was when I somehow lost from sight any motivation to why I live. Any goal, any purpose. Life needs a purpose, as I painfully learned. A direction. A goal. I can clearly say, after experiencing this on myself, that the lack of motivation is almost the most violent thing one can possibly experience while in a human body. Lack of motivation, or confused motivation, or self doubt, is probably a killer switch inside the genome. Really, it feels so. I have yet to experience something more dreadful, more painful, slowly eating my life away than the lack of motivation, or a poor motivation, or a confused one. And the trick with this one, is – as with all of these smarty pansty DNA codes – it is fractalic. It states its own reason for existing in the fact that it exists. So while experiencing myself without a clear motivation, I could barely sum up the motivation to get out of it. 🙂 Yeah, as I said: self contained, self developed .. smart codes – what can I say? :)))

So really staying present and just observing the pain of this lack of purpose, of goal, of a clear direction – I realised I have to tick the motivation box on, without expecting to have a clear reason to do so. I needed to tick that code on, otherwise I would see myself going more and more on the ghostly side of life :)) The good part of this is that I managed to clearly see and understand how the codes work. The tricky part of this was that.. I do need to be self driven and take responsibility for the way my life looks. What kind of coding do I want to have active in my genome, at one given moment? I need to consciously work on it. I already seen what happens if I let the smarty pantsy genome play automode highway :)) I need to consciously and attentively be aware of myself, my life, at each moment. I need to go within to such level of depth that I touch my very core motivation for being here in the first place, for existing in a human form, and from that inner deep fountain of life… bring to the surface a interesting motivation for my day to day activities. I need to click my own codes on, otherwise some of them will go to vacation with no warning :)) This is what happens in this universe as well. It has been called: Entropy. Without a force or will correlating, pulling them together or directing them, things tend to screw themselves up just for fun :))

So I need to constantly use pure will to drive this human ship. I constantly need to go deep within and touch upon the heart of what already makes up as my real motivation. And for that: I need honesty, I need self devotement and courage, and ultimately: love for life.


interesting fact: no study has been read in order for me to write this article. i just wrote it all from one piece, following what I was seeing within. (coupled of course with knowledge I already had acquired in the past by reading on some of these subjects). Yet.. I barely knew how a genome is described to be in our human realm. I had to research after writing the article to make sure things matched :))) It appears to match :)) Inwardly I was seeing the genome, while writing. I added this note as a possible depiction on how following the inner knowledge and intuitions can work for someone. Aka: following the voice of the soul.

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