Resursa: Stergerea istoriei personale si adoptarea imprevizibilitatii (salvarea energiei proprii)

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Foarte important: pentru cei ce inca nu realizeaza ca se afla intr-o hipnoza pe care toti cei din jurul lor o intretin (!) cautati sa va gasiti momente cat mai dese in care sa stati cu atentia in momentul prezent, in 100% constienta la rece a sinelui vostru, a locului unde va aflati, etc. Uitati-va si urmariti ceea ce faceti ca si cum ati privi o scena dintr-un film. Fiti atenti, dar extrem de atenti si curiosi la toate detaliile! Ca sa iesiti din hipnoza schimbati si alimentatia, iar daca inca aveti impresia ca fumand si consumand cafea, zahar sau alcool … aveti o sansa sa va reveniti la viata, mai ganditi-va. De cine, pentru cine… si mai ales… cu ce scop sunt facute aceste substante? Pentru iesirea de sub hipnoza am incropit si articolul asta, de care va puteti ajuta :

Now let’s take a look at some practical examples on how you can erase little pieces of your personal history in order to save energy :

  • a) In your workplace, there is not a rigid scheme of vigilance on the comings and goings of the employees. They focus on results. So if you leave your workplace for a moment, you don’t need to explain to your workmates and neither to your boss (or manager) – like a robot – where you are going every minute. You just leave without saying anything. And if someone asks you, you can say something like : “I’m gonna buy a stuff” or “I’m going out there for a moment” or yet “I’ll go for a walk“. In an extreme alternative, you can lie : if you are actually going to the drugstore, for instance, you can say that you’re going (or have gone) to the bank, and vice-versa;
  • b) Someone in your workplace knows your uncle. So the person says : “How is uncle Joe ?”. And you respond : “I don’t know. It’s been a while since I saw him the last time”. You don’t have to be enthusiastic about your uncle Joe… After all, he’s also a character, just like your workmates… ;
  • c) You work in a big company which occupies a whole building in your city. So in your lunch break, you’re in the streets near your workplace when you enter a store. The attendant is showing you a product and you’re hesitating a little whether you take it or not, when she suddenly asks you : “Do you work nearby ?”. Your answer : a laconic “Aham”. She wanted you to say that you work for that company that everybody in the vicinities knows where it is. She wanted to fish your personal history… ;
  • d) Let’s say you’re a travelled person living in the U.S.. The time you were a neutral many years ago, you have visited Europe, including Spain, France and Italy, for instance. THEY KNOW. So a colleague of yours try to fish this information from you. She says : “My sister is travelling to Spain tomorrow”. And you say : “Humm, Spain ? Good place to go. Bullfights, beaches, warm climate, it sounds good.” . And she keeps on talking : “She is going to taste all the typical foods, specialties and drinks of each place”. And SHE KNOWS that that’s exactly what you have done during your travel in the past. She wants you to say anxiously and spontaneously : “I’ve done this too. I’ve been there many years ago”. That’s her goal. So don’t mention this fact.
    You save energy controlling your anxiety and eagerness in telling irrelevant details about your life to the other people. They are really not interested in the particularities of your personal history. They want to control your energiesThey want to control your life.Suppose now that she asked you directly : “Have you ever been in Spain ?”. In this case, you can say the truth, if you want, but don’t forget to ask for particularities of her life, too : “And you ? Have you ever been there ?”. And if she says she hasn’t, you have the option of insisting a little more : “But have you ever made an international trip ? Where did you go to ?”.
  • e) You’re at a family meeting. A relative of yours approaches you. He starts talking about lotteries. And “coincidentally” you have made your bet that very morning – after more than 3 years without buying a single lottery ticket. HE KNOWS. He wants you to say that you bought your ticket that morning. THEY want you to feel anxious to reveal them every detail of your lifeso as to accustom your brain to the sick premise that you owe them explanations about your life.
    It’s like the Spanish Inquisition, a mental one. It’s like if you had to report your life to them, like a slave, over and over, in such a way that your brain subliminally will have to ask them for permission to do anything in the Stage World, or wait to see what their sentences will say about what you have in mind, through their sick second-meaning “vocabulary”. Realize that your linguistic prison is a mathematical Nazism ! Can you see now how deep the rabbit-hole goes ?In this case, you can mentalize : “SUBJECT CLONING” (because they’re imitating aspects of your life through artificial synchronicity), and say whatever you want to say about lotteries, but without telling him that you bought your ticket that morning.

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