The virtual and the actual

After the invention of the virtual reality machine we started doing almost everything inside our head. There was no need to do anything physical anymore, because the same thing we could do it inside our head. Then we invested more and more into the machine. We added details and perfected it, investing all our attention in there. We almost entirely forgot that we have a body and we exist outside of the virtual as well.

When there would be a dispute – let’s say – beings would not need to go and start a fight in the real world. They would go inside their mind and fight there. Things would emulate so faithful the real world – even better. 10 times better. then 100 times better. then it just got exponential growth of the details in the virtual, each being inventing so many super powers, scenarios and possibilities that never even existed in reality. But now these possibilities were hard truth in the virtual.

At first the virtual had no regulations to it. Everyone could go there and just be creative, invent and play and create anything. We would all allow others to explore and create, even though the thing with the virtual is that it is a space that exists only because ALL of us keeps it into existence. So because by definition/construction the virtual its held into existence by our mutual will, then of course all the players were seeing and perceiving and thus were influenced by all that was happening in there. And this mutual virtual is what here has been called: the physical.

At the beginning the beings would keep their awareness on the virtual along with the actual reality, but as “time” went by and as beings created more and more in the virtual, thus making it so incredibly complex and full of possibilities, so many beings moved their attention more and more inside the virtual, some of them almost forgetting entirely about their actual self and the actual world.

And the same scheme of creating a virtual happened then inside the virtual. Where a smaller group of beings were now uniting their minds, let’s say, to create a second virtual inside of the first. Then the third, and so on. It got at some point to have so many virtual inside virtual inside virtual, that what at first was just a tool to explore our imagination wihout affecting the actual reality, was becomming more and more a maze of possibilities and worlds, the beings would get caught in. Their actual bodies would usually become almost in idle mode and they would live almost entirely inside their mind. They knew that in the actual world they are what we call eternal. A state of existence where one exists by default, without the need to perform an action in order to keep the existence existing(eg: eat a food, build a shelter, etc). They knew they could go inside the virtual for eons, come back and find their body perfectly well in the same state they left it.

And the games/worlds developed in the virtual grew and became incredibly complex. As I mentioned at first everyone just permitted everyone else to build/try/construct there anything he would want. Then – soon after – beings started testing with destruction, war and fight. They invented the agreement of destruction – by factoring in a sort of denominator. If you do not pay enough attention to a certain creation from a certain agreed perspective then that creation would gain what would be perceive as a weak spot, a weak property. Destruction was an invention played out in some of the virtual in virtual layers – by some of the beings who agreed to play with this game. It was a sort of game that allowed players to see how much / how many things they could be aware of / sustain with their mind at the same time. They measured a sort of mental force between them, and when one would pay much more attention to a certain thing than to the other things, that other things left without the full attention would gain what was invented as the property of weakness. Anyway.. there is no game that has not been tried and played.

In the meantime in the actual reality a sort of objecting group was forming. Beings who were seeing that the virtual was affecting, in a sense, the beings who were playing with it. These beings would be more and more in the virtual, almost completely missing from the actual. I mean their bodies would be there, but they would be inside their mind. It was a similar sensation to having a drunk person in this reality. You look at the person you love, but he is drunk and he seems far from being there. And so some beings started to disagree with the idea of the virtual. They were seeing how it was affecting people, how it even stopped what would be perceived as their growth in the actual. I mean the actual was so different then the virtual. Much more calm let’s say, with things moving slow and in their natural rhythm. Beings were living by a sort of wave of life. What life was feeling and doing, they were feeling and doing, and everything had a certain rhythm, a music to it.

In the virtual one could build worlds and universes where he could reign and do anything he would imagine. In the actual we would only have the music of life and we would all always move in unison with all others. In the actual that is how life is danced out. But the virtual brought the possibility for what could be expressed as free will, free creational power. A being knowing it is not affecting the actual and the people around would let his imagination run wild in the virtual.

But as I said above, there were so many beings that were caught so much in the virtual (their mind) that they were becoming almost absent from the actual. The beauty of the actual is that life accommodates any possibility. Any shape, any form, any outcome. Life is like this vibratory, singing placenta that holds and nurtures any shape/form/possibility the beings want to explore. So life is always sustaining us independent on how we want to explore it. So it seems a bit difficult to say that the actual reality was affected by the lack of activity from these beings that were with their attention in the virtual. Life in the actual was going on the same, accommodating even this possibility and having the same nurturing music. So we were all what here would be perceived as good. We are always good there. We are always ok, because this is how life is.. and we are breathing and moving with life, we are like its cells so of course.. we are always ok there. But still there were beings who maybe bonded with some other beings that now were almost idle, and caught up with their mind almost fully in the virtual. And they loved these beings maybe. Maybe it was a husband, or a wife, or a mother, or a father that was caught. Just examples. Of course that some of them they were really missing these beings. Talking to then, interacting with them in the actual. So of course a sort of semi anti virtual movement sprouted at some point.

Beings who decided to go in the virtual and retrieve the minds of their loved ones. Such powerful manoeuvres had to be made in order for these beings to not get caught themselves in what was now a maze of worlds in the virtual. So many went to get loved ones out only to have their own minds lost there. Still these beings that were coming directly from the actual had to invent a sort of pull string to be able to get themselves out. This would do it by leaving the majority of their awareness in the actual, and only insert a part of their awareness in the virtual. This way that part would always feel the pull towards reuniting with its whole, and would always know to come back.

So basically what the virtual was constructed for is to act as a space where we could explore our imagination without affecting the actual. But what started like a play, soon become much ampler, because so many beings were caught by the possibilities of their own minds – like that myth of Narciss being caught staring at himself in the water for years.

The actual it is still going on the same. Beings are still flowing there in perfect accordance with the music of life, and life is always accommodating all their imaginations, needs. All that life wants is to serve and be of service. It seems so difficult, in a sense, to speak of life separate from these beings in the actual, because life and these beings seem like two parts of the same being/body that work in perfect tune together. Life accommodates anything a being is capable of imagining/desiring, and makes it so that thing has its perfect spot in the overall composition. Imagine that capacity ! Life can even accommodate destruction, wars, anything.. but destructions and wars were mainly games inside the virtual. In the actual we are sooooo busy with real stuff, that it would be a joke to sit around and play with 3years toys like destruction or war. This is so overrated there. We could use this but its like… if you have a laser gun that can shoot rainbow streams of light that can create anything, would you still feel interested to build something out of wood sticks? I mean the wood sticks are nice but they have 3-4 possibilities to them. They broke, they chip, they do this and that. But imagine the laser having uncountable number of possibilities of experience. Really so much that it seems almost impossible to describe. This is how war and destruction feels from that point of view. Incredibly limited.

This is why I see over and over that the virtual is more like a kids world. Like you would see here people doing drugs mostly in their adolescence or youth. Maybe it was a tool for child creators to fully see and test the capacities of their own minds.

3 Responses

  1. 1 “Of course that some of them they were really missing these beings. Talking to then, interacting with them in the actual. So of course a sort of semi anti virtual movement sprouted at some point.” Asta e esenta filmului Surrogates, daca nu l-ai vazut, ti-l recomand.

    2 “Beings who decided to go in the virtual and retrieve the minds of their loved ones. Such powerful manoeuvres had to be made in order for these beings to not get caught themselves in what was now a maze of worlds in the virtual. So many went to get loved ones out only to have their own minds lost there.” Imi aduce aminte de femeia pierduta in VR in filmul “Inception”, si de femeia pierduta in fantasmele ei in “What dreams may come”. Iarasi, ti le recomand.

    3. Ceea ce spui suna foarte logic. Am o dilema: in virtual, ce poate opri un player cu dorinte neconstientizate de putere sa puna stapanire pe mintile celorlalti prin viclesuguri? Un astfel de player poate sa-si atraga aliati de teapa lui, sa isi faca o armata de psihopati, si sa pacaleasca multi playeri care vor doar sa experimenteze. Un astfel de player cu falii in psihic ar putea ajunge un dictator, o entitate malefica puternica. Tocmai pentru ca virtualul nu pune limite fanteziilor, in virtual totul poate fi exagerat, desfasurat la maxim.
    Am intalnit aceasta teorie in cartile calatorilor in astral Robert Monroe si discipolii sai. Francois Brune a cercetat comunicarile din astral si a gasit astfel de comunicari care descriu asa ceva. Wayne Bush, Guinevere Kern, Eve Lorgen, Karla Turner descriu si ei astfel de raporturi de putere disproportionate. Unii pot acumula cunoastere imensa, si o pot folosi pentru a sclaviza pe cei cuminti, care vor doar sa se joace frumos. Philip Dick: “suntem intr-o simulare, dar ceva a mers prost”. In opinia mea, exista posibilitatea ca raul absolut sa castige atat de multa putere incat sa fie greu sa-l mai demolezi.

  2. “Am o dilema: in virtual, ce poate opri un player cu dorinte neconstientizate de putere sa puna stapanire pe mintile celorlalti prin viclesuguri? Un astfel de player poate sa-si atraga aliati de teapa lui, sa isi faca o armata de psihopati, si sa pacaleasca multi playeri care vor doar sa experimenteze. Un astfel de player cu falii in psihic ar putea ajunge un dictator, o entitate malefica puternica. Tocmai pentru ca virtualul nu pune limite fanteziilor, in virtual totul poate fi exagerat, desfasurat la maxim.” Hey !!!! WOW!!! Imi place ce ai scris aici – se pare ca incepi sa-ti amintesti, haaaha :)))

    Da. In virtual initial nu exista nicio regulatie. Totul era un soi de camp deschis de experimentare, deoarece stiam ca orice facem in virtual nu afecteaza fizicul real. Plus ca.. virtualul insusi exista – prin definitite – doar prin alaturarea comuna a mai multor minti.

    Virtualul poate fi asociat cu jocurile pe care le jucam cand eram copii. Un joc putea incepe daca erau cel putin 2 copii care sa inceapa sa se joace impreuna (desigur un copil se putea juca si singur, doar el cu mintea lui.. dar de obicei jocurile interesante erau cand erau mai multi participanti). Si copii incepeau sa spuna povesti despre ce faceau ei: ca erau pirati, sau politisti, sau printi si printese – lucruri imaginabile care nu existau in realitate, dar existau ca CONVENTIE intre ei. Daca tii minte inainte ca copii ca inceapa orice joc se alege o tema. Ne jucam de-a politistii, sau de-a “mana si tata”, sau de-a “printul si printesa:, etc. Prima data copii inteleg tema, inteleg de-a ce se joaca. Si dupa incep sa inventeze si sa imagineze in cadrul acelei teme. Este fix identic cu ce se intampla in virtual. Jocurile din virtual sunt exact asa – doar ca la nivele extinse de galaxii si universuri. Dar e fix acelasi lucru. Idem. Si multe din jocuri nu sunt mai inteligente de varsta de 5-7 ani chiar daca cuprind galaxii si universuri.

    Deci oricine isi pune o bucatica din mintea/atentia sa in virtual, intra in hora cu toti ceilalti – idem ca in jocurile copiilor – acea bucatica fiind afectata de tot ceea ce oricine face in virtual. Cu timpul, dupa trial and errors, fiintele au inceput sa puna diverse regulatii pentru creatiile lor in virtual. Multe din fiinte au inpus reguli stricte – daca vrei sa vii sa te joci in creatia mea, accepti sa te supui acestor reguli.

    Practic asta este si jocul asta cu viata pe pamant. cand am intrat aici am “semnat” un soi de Cookie Policy :)) in care am acceptat gravitatia, elementele fizice, emotiile, si mai tot ce se intampla pe aici. Ma rog.. procesul cu acceptarea e destul de complex si nuantat, merita un articol in sine. Dar bottom line este ca.. daca ne aflam aici, de la un nivel sau altul, printr-o circumstanta sau alta.. ne-am dat acordul. Poate am fost ademeniti cu ceva, poate am consumat ceva in mod deliberat (pentru mine a fost un soi de drog, am baut ceva ca sa ajung aici), poate cineva ne-a chemat – in fine, ideea e ca.. a existat un moment in care am luat decizia. Dupa acea decizie totul s-a facut ca un soi de negru, am inceput sa uitam, sa intram in uitare .. si a inceput jocul.

    Si.. apropo, legat de decizii.. o decizie este intotdeauna schimbabila! Este diferit fata de ceea ce suntem facuti sa credem, ca daca am luat o decizie.. gata nu mai avem ce facem. Decizia.. in realitate este un factor care exista viu in acest moment. Este ca si cum.. in exemplul de mai sus, am luat decizia sa ma joc de-a “mama si tata” cu alti copii, dar pot oricand sa imi schimb decizia si sa nu ma mai joc sau sa ma joc altceva cu alti copii. Este la fel si aici in virtual. Am luat decizia sa facem parte din acest show, iar aceasta decizie inca este vie in acest moment. Cu cat ne amintim mai mult realitatea, cu atat ne aducem aminte cand si cum am luat decizia.. si mai ales: ce decizie am luat defapt :)) cu atat in acest moment o putem schimba. E ca si cum.. cineva ar avea o telecomanda in mana. Si ar fi in fata unui televizor. Un anumit lucru l-a facut sa opreasca televizorul pe un anumit canal. Ceva l-a ademenit, o imagine, un trailer, orice. Si a dat pe canalul ala.. si a ramas tintuit acolo. Hipnotizat acolo. Milenii. Ca sa poata sa schimbe canalul trebuie intai sa isi aminteasca de corpul lui, de el insusi, de faptul ca are telecomanda in mana.. ca se afla pe canapea, ca el insusi este altcineva fata de personajul din filmul de la televizor, si apoi cand isi aminteste de el insusi.. sa ia telecomanda si sa schimbe canalul :)) Cam asta e intregul schepsis cu amintirea de sine, trezirea, schimbarea realitatii, etc :)) Si totusi tb sa tinem cont ca intreg televizorul reprezinta virtualul. Deci chiar daca individul schimba canalul, continua sa ramana in virtual. Asta este una din cele mai bune metafore.

    Acum.. daca in televizor unii pot face filme cum ca ei sunt cei mai tari, si ca domina rase si universuri intregi.. DA! Nu numai ca e posibil, dar s-a facut acest “film” si s-a jucat de “miliarde” de ori. Momentan ne aflam intr-un film cu tema “violului” / “rape”. Acest joc/film are la baza experimentarea lucrurilor care ii sunt unui individ fix invers decat natura sa si ceea ce ar vrea sa vada. Este ca si cum .. dau pe canalul 5 sa vad stiri, dar imi arata un film romantic :))) E doar un exemplu. Momentan ne aflam la un “film” facut sa arate cum e cand telecomanda pare ca nu te asculta, ca nu are niciun efect, sau ca … nu exista cu totul!! :)) Trebuie sa ne amintim: e doar un film/o iluzie facuta sa ne arate asta! Realitatea este la fel: telecomanda este in mana noastra si putem schimba oricand canalul sau putem inchide televizorul.

    Acum.. recomandarea mea este ca.. cu cat cineva se detaseaza cat mai mult de filmul pe care il vede, cu cat intelege ca este un film – independent ce se intampla in film: chit ca e durere fizica, emotionala, mentala… individul beneficiaza daca isi pastreza macar o bucatica din el obiectiva, iar acea bucatica sa stie ca el este el.. si vede un film. Cu cat ne detasam atentia de cine ce face prin film, ca rasa X a cucerit multiversul Y si ca domina fiintele, etc, ca planeta G este vandalizata de rasa P, etc. Cand ne amintim ca avem “TELECOMANDA” in mana.. si putem schimba canalul (!!!) prea putin mai conteaza ce face rasa X in filmul Z, pentru ca individul schimba canalul sau inchide televizorul.

    De obicei cand incepem sa ne dezmeticim din acest film, la inceput doar ne aducem aminte cum sa schimbam canalul si incepem sa utilizam telecomanda. Dupa ce ne dezmeticim mai mult ne aducem aminte si ca putem inchide tot televizorul 🙂

  3. “In opinia mea, exista posibilitatea ca raul absolut sa castige atat de multa putere incat sa fie greu sa-l mai demolezi.”
    Da, dar totusi.. imi vine in minte quoteul asta din filmul matrix: “this is a world based on rules. because of this they will never be more powerful or stronger than you”. Este ca si cum.. in exemplul cu televizorul mai sus.. da.. raul absolut poate sa invinga … dar e in televizor :))) Eu, spectatorul, pot sa schimb canalul sau sa inchid televizorul :)) De ce scriu asta? Orice lucru e valabil si adevarat privit de la un anumit nivel. Si exact acel lucru care e 100% valabil si adevarat privit de la un anumit nivel, este 100% fals privit de la alt nivel.

    Utilizatorul real trebuie sa isi aminteasca ca el este cel ce NAVIGHEAZA prin nivele, el este the “universal traveller” – care tot timpul calatoreste prin lumi si nivele (filme). Exista un nivel/film in care raul invinge. Exista un alt nivel in care aceleasi fiinte care pareau raul absolut par ca niste gandacei minusculi pe care ti-e si mila sa ii omori. Depinde de utilizator in care nivel vrea sa fie cu atentia / ce film vrea sa vada. Toate nivelele sunt reale in acelasi timp !!!! Doar preferintele noastre de a experimenta unul sau altul se schimba. Doar noi insine comutam printre nivele. Intotdeauna a fost asa.

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