Lymphatic human parasite – part 2b

This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate to copy and reproduce the material in english. This material covers the lymphatic system which acts more like a parasite for the human body that feeds from us, not only physically. Please draw your own conclusions and study forward.

<<<< For Part 1b click here

Hydra. Part 2b

original text in russian :

October 15th, 2015

And here we come to another important topic. Are there any traces of this “someone else”? After all, it can not be that no one for all the time research of the human body did not pay attention to something strange and unusual. It was at that moment when I began to look for an answer to this question, I received a letter from one and readers with a link to the electronic version of Tamara Yakovlevna Svishcheva ’s book, The Atlas of Blood Cells and Human Parasites. Those interested can download it at

Parasites inside man

The book of Tamara Yakovlevna, published in 2003, was written by a man who had studied this question for many years in practice. For our topic, it is especially interesting because it gives a detailed classification of those cells that are found in human blood. I will not waste time on a detailed retelling of the content and provide here this detailed classification. Anyone can read it yourself. I will note only the main points.

First, when describing many types of blood cells, the phrase “the functional role is not clarified enough” is present.

Secondly, it turns out that there are many types of cells that are similar in appearance, but differ in internal structure. Including those that have different shape and structure of the cell nucleus, as well as the presence or absence of various internal structural elements.

Thirdly, in the course of her research, Tamara Yakovlevna came to the conclusion that some of the microorganisms, for example the same trichomonas, can take on different forms, including mimicking, becoming like lymphocytes! At the same time, it came to this conclusion largely because some of these false “lymphocytes” behaved like trichomonads, destroying and devouring blood cells, primarily red blood cells, in which trichomonads are also found in the blood.

Separately, I want to draw the attention of readers to the fact that Tamara Yakovlevna investigated precisely blood products, already in the blood, finding microorganisms that were parasites. She did not conduct similar studies on the composition of the lymph. On the one hand, it was taught to take and analyze the blood, and on the other, apparently she already had enough of what she actually found in the blood. I haven’t been able to find similarly detailed information on similar studies of the internal structure of the lymph.

Also, I’m not sure that all the observed parasitic forms of cells, which only look like lymphocytes and leukocytes, are precisely different forms of Trichomonas. It is likely that some of these cells are just the cells of the “hydra” that enter the blood from the lymphatic system or leak from the intercellular space.

Another important point that was revealed by Tamara Yakovlevna Fistula is that these parasitic “cells” are found in the blood of almost all people. The difference is only in their quantity and their activity. Only in healthy people is the immune system constantly suppressing these false cells, restraining their number and negative effect. And when the body becomes ill, then part of the power of the immune system switches to fighting the disease, and an increase in the number of such false “cells” is immediately observed. At the same time, what is interesting, some of the methods for diagnosing various diseases are based on the determination in the blood of the number of precisely these irregular “leukocytes” and “lymphocytes”, since there is indeed a stable causal link between the number of such cells in the blood and the presence of one or another diseases,

The presence of these parasites has been identified in newborn babies, which indicates that infection of the fetus occurs even in the womb. At the same time, as far as I could understand, there are many ways to transmit such parasites from person to person.

Thus, research and work of Tamara Yakovlevna prove that in the human body there is a massive presence of microorganisms, which are parasites that destroy the body’s cells, including blood cells. So the statement that inside the human body there can be not only single-celled parasites, but also a certain macrostructure, which is also a parasite and exists due to the carrier’s body, which still may not be detected by official medicine or consciously hidden by certain structures inside The medical system no longer looks too fantastic and incredible. If today we find more and more facts of conscious distortion both in history and in such sciences as physics, chemistry or astronomy, then it is logical to assume that exactly the same distortions can be in medicine. At the same time, such distortions in many cases are constructed in such a way that they look very similar to the truth. This is not an outright lie, which is very easily detected. The false model is built in such a way that it has a logical and plausible explanation, it refers to certain facts that correspond to this explanation. Distortion is achieved either by ignoring or incorrectly explaining some of the observed facts, or by adding a number of false facts, especially those that are difficult to verify without special equipment and skills. so that she has a logical and plausible explanation, she refers to certain facts that correspond to this explanation. Distortion is achieved either by ignoring or incorrectly explaining some of the observed facts, or by adding a number of false facts, especially those that are difficult to verify without special equipment and skills. so that she has a logical and plausible explanation, she refers to certain facts that correspond to this explanation. Distortion is achieved either by ignoring or incorrectly explaining some of the observed facts, or by adding a number of false facts, especially those that are difficult to verify without special equipment and skills.

Hypothesis for what is needed “hydra”

Studying various materials, one way or another connected with the topic of “hydra”, I kept asking myself the question: what could be the point in such a parasite?
In his letters, Konstantin Khvatov, the author of the original materials from which my work on the topic of “hydra” began, suggested that the meaning is that some other organism is grown inside the human body, which after maturation is “teleported” from the human body to then to another place. But in the correctness of this version there are big doubts. And the point is not even that it is impossible to explain and cite strong evidence of the existence of such a “teleportation”, which in itself makes this version too fantastic. Even if we assume that a certain way of “teleportation” really exists, then in most cases we do not observe such a “teleportation”. After the death of the organism, almost all cells of the lymphatic system remain in place, which is easily confirmed by any autopsy. Konstantin answers it that only fully “matured hydra” is “teleported”, which rarely happens due to improper lifestyle. At the same time, as an example of his version, he cites the example of Buddhist monks, who, upon reaching “realization” after death, decrease their body weight to 30% from the initial value.
Let’s look again at the scheme of the structure of the lymphatic system in the human body.

In my opinion, it is completely obvious that the lymphatic system is not a self-sufficient organism that could exist outside the body of the carrier. It has neither an internal skeleton, nor an external strong protective shell, nor a multitude of very different organs, without which no independent organism can exist. If we consider the lymphatic system as a certain independent entity, then this structure has at least some meaning only when it is built into the human body and uses the organs of the body for its needs. Therefore, to either “teleport” it or move it in any other way without the rest of the body makes no sense. Also embarrassing too low efficiency of the system that we are seeing on Earth today. Of the nearly 7 billion living people of that state, in which, according to Constantine, maturation and “teleportation” of a ripe individual “hydra” occurs, several hundred people attain strength from the force. This is too little, especially considering that Constantine considers the “hydra” a reasonable entity. If she were really reasonable, and she really would need exactly mature new individuals, then the whole system would be built in such a way as to ensure the largest possible number of matured individuals. When I asked this question to Constantine, he answered the following: “Regarding the efficiency. I do not see anything surprising in this efficiency. If we take the percentage of all the grains of one type of tree that fell in the forest, then exactly the same percentage will reach full maturity. ” Alas, the argument is not very convincing, because either the “hydra” does not exceed the plant with its intellectual abilities, then we can creakly accept such low efficiency, either the “hydra” itself or its creator and owner possess a reason, and very advanced, if he managed to capture and enslave the planet with a sufficiently advanced civilization that did not live there. But then such a low efficiency clearly indicates that the meaning of this undertaking is quite different.

I have been thinking about this topic for quite a long time, and finally I came to the following conclusions. If we continue the analogy with the technical systems, then in the same race cars, when boosting the engine, in order to increase its peak power, among other things, strengthen the exhaust system, which will divert additional combustion products when operating at higher power. Exhaust ducts make larger cross sections to reduce resistance to outgoing gases, as well as add additional exhaust pipes. In this case, such a modified engine, indeed, increases power. But at the same time he has a very serious drawback! When we transfer the engine to work with increased power, for which its design was not originally designed, this very sharply reduces its resource. Usually at times. In other words,shortens the life span !

Exactly the same thing we see in the case of the human body. Our body was equipped with an additional excretory system, as we have something changed in the general principle of its operation. At the same time, the available facts indicate that this system functions continuously, and does not turn on only during the illness or damage to the body. That is why, when a serious illness occurs or the body is seriously injured, its capacity is not enough to remove all the toxins produced from the body, since it is already loaded.

So, the “hydra” by its purpose is a suppression system, which, firstly, blocks a part of mental abilities, suppressing some functions of the nervous system and brain, including exerting a chemical effect on it. Secondly, it shortens the lifespan due to the violation of internal metabolic processes, which I will discuss in more detail below. And finally, thirdly, it dramatically lowers the total energy potential of a person, since the body is constantly forced to spend energy on restoring the cells being destroyed by the “hydra”.

Here it is necessary to mention one more fact, which has been confirmed experimentally. The fact is that the total number of cell divisions is not infinite. There is a so-called Hayflick limit or limit.which is associated with the feature of copying the DNA molecule during cell division. It is believed that the copying process occurs in such a way that the most extreme portions of the ends of the DNA, which usually has the shape of the letter X, but can be copied. That is, it is somewhat similar to printing on some printers, when they inevitably leave white paper off the edges of the field where the rollers of the feed mechanism grab the sheet when pulling it through the printing mechanism.

I also learned that today some researchers already have doubts about what causes telomeres to shrink (the tips of the DNA molecule), but everyone agrees that reaching the ends of telomeres of a certain minimum minimum value leads to the cessation of cell division and its subsequent apoptosis. Apoptosis is a natural process of dying and resorption of cells in the body, which is distinguished from necrosis – cell death due to an external negative process.

A separate question, to which I could not find an unequivocal answer, is the lifetime of the cells of various human tissues. Called a variety of terms, from 120 days to 15 years. And the first term of 120 days I heard in the program on the radio Vesti FM, on the topic of health, where a woman doctor spoke (unfortunately, I did not hear who it was). But this period is clearly not true, since with a limit of 52 divisions, the total life of the organism will be only 6,240 days or a little more than 17 years, and from the moment of conception of the fetus. And if we consider that in the initial period of development of the organism, cell division occurs much more often, about once a day, then if the Hayflick theory is correct, the embryo will have to die 52 days after conception. And since this does not happen, then again we can repeat the same phrase “the mechanism of cell functioning has not been studied enough”. Obviously, there must be some other mechanism that generates new cells with high-grade DNA. Most likely in this process the spinal cord and thymus (thymus gland) are somehow tied, but this is a topic for another article. In addition, it has already been proven that the Hayflick limit does not manifest itself in a number of cells, including cancer cells, which can divide almost an unlimited number of times.

However, since the presence of the Hayflick limit for the majority of somatic cells was established and confirmed experimentally, we will assume that after the cell matures and differentiates, when it occupies its permanent position in the body, it does turn on some mechanism that limits the number of divisions . This, in turn, means that if the process that generates new cells will do it more slowly than the mature cells in the body age and die, then the lifetime of such an organism will be limited.

What we know from the mythology of different nations, including from the same Bible. Once upon a time, man was immortal or lived for a very long time, according to the Bible, about 1000 years old. The diagram below shows the age of the key characters of the Old Testament.

Thus, in my opinion, the main purpose of the “hydra” is to create conditions in the body that would lead to a drastic reduction in the lifetime of the cells of the body. For example, due to the formation with the help of parasitic microorganisms that are disguised as lymphocytes, an aggressive environment. On the one hand, the parasites themselves attack the cells of the body, destroying them, and on the other hand, in the process of cell absorption by the parasites, they release toxic substances, which in turn also destroy other cells. In the works of Tamara Yakovlevna Fistula, this process is described in detail with reference to blood cells. But since both lymphocytes and false “lymphocytes” are located not only in the blood vessels, but also in the intercellular space, a similar process should occur with other cells.

Why shorten a person’s life? This does not allow us to gain the intellectual potential that we should have. Back in school, we were told that most people use the capabilities of their brains by no more than 10%. But we cannot use its capabilities by 100%, if today we really live less than 10% of the term that we must live on the basis of the potential of our organism. That is, we do not use all the opportunities, not because we do not want, but because we simply do not have time to use them. We do not have time to form a neural network in our brain of such complexity and quality that would allow us to fully understand the processes around us in order to fully and effectively manage them. We only outwardly look adults, but intellectually, compared to what should be, we remain underdeveloped children.

So, for the moment, for myself, I came to the following conclusions.

In our body there is a colony of parasitic microorganisms that externally mimic human lymphocytes, but differ from them in their internal structure. These microorganisms live in the extracellular space, lymphatic system and even in the blood. At the same time, judging by the data that Konstantin Khvatov gives, they display coordinated behavior, that is, they are not separate organisms, such as the same unicellular Trichomonas, but represent precisely a colony of microorganisms, similar to an anthill or a swarm of bees, which also can act showing signs of a microorganism. At the same time, on the energy-informational plan, this will be one single entity, like in most multicellular organisms. In a sense, it can be said that this is a kind of new life form, different from what is described by science today.

The purpose of this parasite is to slowly kill our body, reducing the life expectancy by almost an order of magnitude. From more than 900 years to 60-80 years. Aggressive cells of the “hydra” devour the cells of our body from the inside, and also release various toxins into the intercellular space during this process, which additionally leads to the destruction of some more cells. In this case, the lymphatic system is constantly forced to work and to divert these decay products from the tissues of the body, that is, it is constantly loaded.

Intensive cell disruption causes the remaining cells to divide more frequently to compensate for the loss. At the same time, the existing process of generating new cells, in which the full length of telomeres of DNA molecules, does not have time to form the required number of new cells for the renewal of all tissues of the body. That is why the tissues of our body begin to grow old and decrepit gradually, and not simultaneously. A young organism has all the tissue cells still young. They begin to collapse “hydra”, forcing the remaining cells to divide. Over time, an increasing number of cells become old, because the mechanism of the synthesis of new young cells does not have time to produce the required number of cells to replace all dead ones. That is, the old, decrepit tissue differs from the young just because it contains a percentage of cells,

Accordingly, if the body is exposed to some additional destructive effect, for example, while working in hazardous production, this will lead to even faster cell death. Therefore, the tissues of the body of such a person will grow old and decrepit much faster than that of someone who is not exposed to such additional adverse effects. This can also be attributed to many other destructive factors, ranging from poor ecology and ending with alcoholism. Proof of this fact, each of you can easily find around you.


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