Lymphatic human parasite – part 3b
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate to copy and reproduce the material in english. This material covers the lymphatic system which acts more like a parasite for the human body that feeds from us, not only physically. Please draw your own conclusions and study forward.
Hydra, part 3b
original text in russian :
A person cannot directly observe electromagnetic fields or the radioactivity of materials. To do this, we are forced to use the appropriate devices, which in one way or another fix similar phenomena. And only with the help of instruments can we detect the presence of an electromagnetic field or radiation. It is the consequences in the form of the reaction of devices that we observe that prove to us that both the electromagnetic field and radiation are an objective reality.
Each living cell is the device that proves that the soul of living organisms, the energy-information field that controls the processes occurring in them, is also an objective reality. We see a lot of consequences that can not be explained only by the physical level of the cell structure and the processes that occur at the level of known interactions of physical fields.
In the above-mentioned book Mironina S.S. “Pseudoscience – genetics. Plague of the twentieth century “The author cites a number of facts obtained by biologists during his observations and experiments, which suggest that the inheritance mechanism is much more complicated than simply copying the correct nucleotide sequence in a DNA chain. There are non-genetic forms of inheritance of the properties and qualities of living organisms. For example, many gardeners in Russia planted cuttings of some fruit trees to the trunks or stumps of others. However, many of them are well aware that the grafted plant changes its properties. It can become more resistant to frost if the parent tree was cold-resistant. The taste, color or size of the fruit may change, the shape or size of the leaves may change. But the most important thing is that these signs are beginning to manifest themselves not only in a plant that has grown from a graft. These signs are beginning to appear in new plants that grow from fruits grown on this cutting. But according to the traditional theory that we all teach in school, the DNA code of the donor plant to which the stem was grafted could not get into the DNA of the grafted stem cells, since all the cells that formed this part of the plant come from the grafted stem cells, and it means that during division they can inherit DNA only from these cells.
It turns out that in addition to genetic mechanisms for the transmission of hereditary information, there are also non-genetic mechanisms, that is, those that are not associated with direct changes in the DNA code. Today there is even a separate area of science, called “epigenetics.” In this case, the prefix “epi” in Greek means: above, above, external. That is, inheritance mechanisms that are external to DNA.
One of these mechanisms of information transfer is DNA methylation, when the methyl group —CH3 is attached to cytosine, one of the nucleotides that make up the DNA chain. At the same time, this group can either join to cytosine inside the DNA molecule, and so it will detach back. In this case, the destruction of the DNA molecule itself does not occur. But at the same time, when cytosine in one sequence or another is methylated, this sequence does not participate in the work of the cell. If the methyl group is disconnected, then this sequence is reintroduced into operation. In other words, there is a special mechanism that allows you to enable or disable certain fragments of code that are recorded in the DNA of the body. In turn, this means that there must be some operational level, some kind of information processing environment, where it is decided which of the fragments should be turned on and which one should be turned off. Moreover, the available observations of biologists suggest that these decisions to turn on or off these or other genes are made taking into account external factors that affect the organism, which may include both changes in environmental conditions and aggressive effects on the body in the form of the same viruses that attack this organism.
Observing how a new organism develops from a primary germ cell also suggests that there is some external program that controls the development and formation of the organism. This program can not function at the level of a single individual cell, since the new organism is built as a single coordinated system. This means that there should be not only a general plan for building an organism, which can be easily written into the DNA code, but also an appropriate managerial and coordinating level, which should function at the level of the whole organism. Information is needed in two ways to regulate and direct this process.
So, in addition to the soul that controls the work of each individual cell, there is also the common soul of the body, the energy-information structure that regulates the processes of the whole organism as a whole, including it controls the process of its development from the level of the primary egg cell.
Thus, as soon as we come to an understanding of the fact that there must be another level of reality that ensures the functioning of such energy-information structures, we must recognize not only the existence of the soul of living organisms, but also the ability to exert various influences at this level, both positive and negative.
If we observe viruses that are trying to change the work of a living cell due to their genetic code, which replaces the original DNA or is embedded in it, then it is logical to assume that a similar negative impact can also be exerted at the level of energy-informational structures that govern as work individual cells, and the work of the whole organism as a whole.
At the moment, I personally came to the conclusion that the parasite that affects a person, named in the previous parts of the “hydra” is in fact exactly the energy-informational entity that attacks living organisms, building its parasitic code at this level. What Konstantin Khvatov observed in his experiments, who sent me his materials, is only a manifestation of this infection at the physical level.
It also explains why “hydra” cells, that is, various types of white blood cells, are produced by the body itself. “Hydra” changes the program of formation of the organism, introducing its distortions into it.
For the same reason, I believe that there is no sense in fighting the “hydra” at the physical level, since this is a struggle not with cause, but with effect.