Real beings posses an incorporated “bullshit detector”

Every real soulful person, meaning a being that posses will and intelligence of it’s own, has an incorporated “bullshit detector”. Starting from childhood these beings feel that something is wrong with the world around and with this entire “scenario”, but they don’t have the means, nor the capacity, to explain what they feel. This incorporate lies detector makes them instantly feel, almost without their will, when someone is lying or hiding something. This makes them sense everything that just “doesn’t feel right” or whether “something is off”. A lot of times they cannot explain what exactly is wrong, what exactly is not alright, but they can feel with their entire being that “something” is false or is off about a certain situation, person, or this entire “stage” called “life on earth”. A lot of them is that what you would call empaths or psychics, in the sense that they can perceive other peoples emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, for the empathic ones, this becomes almost like a burden, bringing them closer to desperation and lots of times depression. They are being flooded with sensation and thoughts coming from the outside “environment”, meaning outside influences, and until they start to discern this, they have the impression that these emotions and thought are their own. Thus lots of them they come to consider themselves as bad, or negative, to feel self shame, to hide, etc. Just because of this outside influences that are being invaded with, that they cannot perceive, initially, to coming from the outside, because they feel it in their entire being, and thus consider them to be their own.

This happens until they start working, refining and using this skill.

This skill naturally unfolds the things around, in the truth of what they really are, almost without the will of the being possessing it. It can be a burden, at first, but in fact… this is the single most powerful skill these beings are possessing, to remember who they are, what they need to do, and their pathway home.

Fiecare persoana reala, adica cu suflet, adica… cu vointa si inteligenta proprie, are incorportat un soi de “bulsshit detector”. Ei simt, de mici copii, ca ceva nu este in regula, cu lumea din jur si cu tot acest “scenariu”, dar nu au mijloacele, capacitatea, prin care sa isi explice ceea ce simt. Acest detector de minciuni incorporat, ii face sa simta instant si fara voia lor cand cineva minte sau ascunde ceva. Ii face sa simta toate lucrurile care pur si simplu “nu se potrivesc”, “nu sunt in regula”. De multe ori nu isi pot explica ce anume este fals, ce anume nu este in regula, dar simt cu toata fiinta lor ca “ceva” este fals, este ne-inregula la o situatie, la o persoana, sau la tot acest “scenariu”, numit “viata pe pamant”. Asta la inceput. Apoi… rafinand si folosind acest skill ei incep sa perceapa cu el adevarul mai amplu al lucrurilor din jur. Multi din ei sunt ceea ce se poate numi empati, sau oarecum psihici, in sensul ca pot percepe gandurile si emotiile celor din jurul lor. Uneori, mai ales, pentru cei empatici, asta devine aproape ca o povara, care uneori ii duce la disperare sau depresie. Ei sunt inundati de senzatii si ganduri care vin de la mediul inconjuratpr, si pana nu reusesc sa distinga asta, au impresia ca acele emotii si ganduri primite de la ceilalti, sunt defapt gandurile si emotiile lor. Multi dintre ei ajung sa se considere persoane negative, sa isi insuseasca rusine de sine, sa se ascunda, etc. Doar din cauza acestei invazii de influente din exterior, pe care ei nu le pot percepe, initial, ca fiind din exterior – deoarece, le simt in toata fiinta lor, si astfel considera ca sunt ale lor. 

Asta pana cand nu incep sa lucreze cu acest skill, sa il rafineze, si sa il foloseasca.

Acest skill nativ desface lucrurile din jur, in adevarul a ceea ce sunt, aproape fara voia persoanei care il poseda. Poate fi o povara, la inceput, dar defapt… este singurul skill de putere cu care acest fiinte au fost incorporate, pentru a-si putea aminti cine sunt, ce au de facut si care e drumul spre casa.



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