The false sun

The false sun emits a projected dream. It is actually the light from this supposed “sun” that keeps us from seeing the real reality around. In the True Reality visible light does not come from a thing … no one lights reality for others to see it, it is a joke. In Reality everything is seen by the capacity of that being to see it. In a sense we could say that every being posses its own sun – and through that light it sees everything around. Some suns are more penetrating than the others, some have different spectrums, different formulas of lighting up the reality around them.. and so two beings can see 2 different perspectives when looking at the same thing. This is actually portrayed here as well.. but mostly like a philosophical thought experiment, whereas there (in the True Reality) it’s a physical truth. Two beings can also have the almost exact same identical inner sun and see things almost identically. Also.. a being is able to shift and change the formula of its own sun, the lenses let’s say, the perspectives.. at will. Beings don’t usually keep one single perspective all their life, actually they more than usually change tens or thousands of perspectives in what could be consider a second – just to take as much information from the things they interact with. Perspectives are like lenses, and with the help of the inner sun one adjusts his desired lense, depth, wave length, power of penetration .. everything!

It is actually the light of this supposed exterior sun that keeps one from seeing what is actually around. The light of this supposed sun is more like a wave of darkness, a projected dream.. that keeps the mind trapped like inside a cobweb, by showing the mind a distorted, inverted, fabricated version of reality. The Real Reality around is so SO different!

This is why – paradoxically – one can better start seeing the real reality around at night, or in the so called physical darkness. It’s because in the absence of the false “light”, the senses can actually start to recover – the real vision can actually start to re-see what is actually there.

This projected dream of the false “sun” is the one that is keeping all humanity from seeing what is actually going on around them. And yet.. this projected dream is needed in order for them to quietly study some parts of themselves. In the end.. after the study is over the revelation of their inner sun already awaits them in tears.

One Response

  1. “This is why – paradoxically – one can better start seeing the real reality around at night, or in the so called physical darkness. It’s because in the absence of the false „light”, the senses can actually start to recover – the real vision can actually start to re-see what is actually there.”
    Doua lucruri imi amintesc. Primul e ca de mic eram cumva defazat cu realitatea. Ceilalti pareau ca pestele in apa (copii, adulti), nu-si puneau nicio intrebare. Eu mereu chestionam realitatea, de ce asa si pe dincolo, la care mi se raspundea invariabil de catre toti (copii, adulti) ca sunt nebun, ciudat, prost, rau, etc. A doua chestie e ca nu voiam sa adorm la ora convenita social a copiilor, ci as fi stat sa citesc toata noaptea. Cand am ajuns student, liber fiind, am putut sa imping ora de culcare pana la 3, 4, 5 noaptea, si cam asa a ramas de fiecare data cand am avut libertate si autonomie. Imi explicam ca nu mai simt campurile mentale ale oamenilor, care pe la orele 21-22 dorm, se decupleaza. Eu pe la ora aia incepeam sa ma simt bine, clar, si voiam sa profit pana pe la 3-5, ca sa gandesc. Am aflat ca si Eminescu era asa, si multi alti scriitori lucizi.

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