The mystery show
I do not usually write fictional writings, but… this is a special thought experiment. So here we go.
Imagine yourself – if you may – living in a highly advanced society, 10.000 years from now, so advanced that not even years could compare the distance between what you know here to be normal life and this advanced place.
A world where beings know life to such extent that they can dissolve themselves to atoms and recompose themselves back into any shape or form. A world where travel is quantic, you just appear there where you need to go. A world where communication is done instantly, without words or thoughts, beings sharing among themselves entire blocks of information (let’s say an entire book, for example) in a split of a second. Sharing information is done not through telepathy, but by a sort of photonic transmission, information encoded in a sort of light wave, transmitted at a speed grater than the speed of light, in an instant. You share an entire experience with someone and he can instantly know all the details of that experience. Communication is instant. In the same manner knowledge is a common good. Everyone knows anything that was ever discovered and known. Knowledge is like an immense, invisible library to which all the beings have instant access through themselves. Thus, any interaction or experience is known, almost before taking place. Everything is 100% transparent. You can look at a tree – for example – and you can see everything about it. The water content it has in its body, the molecules, the formula, the entire chemical composition, you can see its present state of mind, you can notice its goals, you can see its personal preferences, personality type, you can even see all the relations coming in and out of it, in the bigger scheme of things – who is it affecting, who is affected by it. You can see all its past forms, all its previous choices and decisions, and all the possible future ones. All is known. Everything. And all is permitted. Beings have numerous forms they play with. For example: the being that owns the tree form from the above example, could have 10 more other forms he is using. He could have another form of an eagle, another form of a wind, another form of a photon, and many other forms unimaginable to us here. Forms are used just as we – here – use clothing. Beings there don’t give so much meaning to their forms. They use them for fun and for interacting with one another, and mostly for playing games. Playing games is one of the top activity – actually – in that world. Because.. when you are at that level of knowingness and seeing-ness – what else remains for you to do? Yeah, beings there love to play. This is, actually, all they do mostly.
In that world… imagine beings having the need to divert themselves. How do you imagine entertainment to be in a place like that? In a world where everything is seen and known, and where anything – even the tiniest particle – happens exactly as planned? Beings there, as opposed to us here, like to invent games, plays, theatre shows, movies and all other sorts of experiences … in which they can pretend things go a bit other than planned. Yep, beings there willingly create uncertainty for themselves. It’s kind of their really fun entertainment and also learning experience.
So let’s imagine you are there. You are one of those beings. You have maybe hundreds of bodies, some of them invented by you, some of them invented in collaboration with the genius minds of some beings you hold as friends, and some of them completely invented by other beings to whom you, maybe, exchanged or lent technology from, ie: bodies. You can decompose yourself in particles of pure nothing, you can express like the wind if you want, you can be in 10.000 places at the same time, looking from 10.000 perspectives all at once. You mostly like to play, fool around and invent new ways for you to express yourself. You – from that perspective – know yourself as being life, and thus, you are quite curios, open and at the same time very serious about wanting to see yourself and your capabilities. And let’s say you live there. You have friends and relations, you play together in incredible ways with many friends and beings. You have many what we could call houses – places where you like to go and settle a bit. You have many perspectives as well, from which you like to view yourself and life – a house there is nothing more than a set point of view, a fixed perspective. You go there to look at life from that fixed perspective. This is what houses are: fixed perspectives. You go to a fixed perspective/house to rest a bit from seeing all perspectives at the same time. You also travel a lot. You meet, create and understand new facets about life and yourself.
And let’s say there.. you are very much interested, of course, in stretching your mind, expanding your intelligence and knowledge and – of course thereof – you love to play any game, any puzzle, just to see yourself in that position. Beings like to put forth all sorts of puzzles, games, movies for other beings to experience and to help them expand their knowledge and intelligence. Pretty much like solving a crosswords here helps you stretch your mind, unite dots you weren’t uniting, in order to complete the crossword.
Let’s say now.. that in that world, one very interesting play has been invented. A game, but not any type of game. A puzzle. A mystery game – in a sort of Agatha Christie fashion. It is the latest, newest game. A movie that tells the mysterious story of one character. As the movie unfolds we realise we don’t know much about this character. His parents were mistreating him as a child, abusing him. He is feeling unworthy and hates himself. But why? What is happening, who is he? Why are things going on the way we are presented with? This is the trailer of the movie. It blew beings minds right away, including you. You wanted to play it, to find out what was happening. You along with so many other beings were enchanted by the story, you wanted to play this puzzle, to figure out what was the mystery of this character and this story.
And.. in this highly advanced society movies are a bit different – to say the least – than what we call here to be movies. Movies are live, are interactive. You don’t just read a novel by Agatha Christie, you yourself experience the story from within the novel itself. You have the chance of being the character in the novel! Live. Pretty exciting type of movie, right? So.. let’s say you went to the cinema to view this blockbuster, this top new movie. You stepped inside the cinema and you were invited to lie down on a sort of table. It looked more as a capsule, and you were seeing other beings already embarked inside other capsules as well. You participated in so many other movies and you already knew the procedure well. You would enter that capsule, close your eyes and the movie would begin. And so you did. You closed your eyes and you embarked inside the mysterious story of this character – attracted to discover the mystery behind his story. Interested to find out what is the issue, what is going on – and what is the key to solute this puzzle. And of course that, while inside the movie, you are using your real intelligence to observe, act and choose what you want to see, where you want to go next. You are making choices, playing this character and have him move as you want, have him talk as you want – in order for you to try to understand what is happening, in order for you to try to unravel the mystery. So you use your real intelligence to look around from inside the movie, trying to see the clues, figure out the story, and solve the puzzle. Solving the puzzle means nothing more than figuring out what the whole story is. Because when you embark on the story you only know only a bit, a piece of it. Solving the puzzle, just like in an Agatha Christie novel, means to find out who is the murderer, and why did he do it. The mystery is solved when you get to the bottom of the story. Detective work, yep. This kind of games are helping you train your intelligence, perspicacity, thinking, deduction and many other valuable traits (extremely important traits that have to do with your goals as a being). It is exactly as we are having fun here resolving riddles, crosswords, or playing chess. It’s something similar there, but the difference is that the skills you manage to train are real and really help you expand yourself. Here completing crosswords, even though interesting sometimes, doesn’t add up significantly to your being.
So let’s say you are embarked. The movie started. You embody this character and you start playing it and you try to uncover the mystery about his life, why are the parents treating him like that as a child? Why is he hating himself as an adult? What happened? What is the bigger picture in the greater scheme of things? Maybe in another lifetime, inside the story of the movie, this character was an abuser, maybe he murdered some children – by will or by mistake. Or maybe he didn’t. You know nothing at first, because.. it is a mystery movie 🙂 Not a documentary 🙂
So now you are here. You are playing this character. What is this character’s story? Can you notice? You are here to unlock the puzzle of this character – only out of putting your intelligence to the test. Some reasons must exists for his parents to treat him bad. For him to hate himself. You must look further from the most at hand presumptions. Maybe there are some secrets lying around, maybe what you are presented with at first glance is far from telling the whole story. Remember you are inside a mystery movie. You must learn to look for evidences, try to figure out the deeper clues.
While inside the movie.. you have very little notion about the fact that you are outside of this mystery movie and you are just playing. While immersed in it, with all your attention, you are focused on this character and his story. Too focused, I might say. So focused, you do not notice the details. Try acting more like a detective. Observe the scene and setup. What is this story telling you? Details are all around. The puzzle pieces are laid out in everything and everyone you meet. Everything holds a puzzle piece and has something to tell you, to teach you, about the story and the key. Try to listen more than acting. Learn to investigate like a detective. Pay cold, un-biased attention, and most importantly: learn to listen. There are many tools in the game to help you move forward and unlock the puzzle. If you are to focused, you do not see them. Remember: what you look for makes you blind. Try defocusing, zooming out – in order to see the clues presented all over.
You are here to solve a mystery. To unlock the puzzle of this character, just for your own fun and mind expansion in the real world.
” His parents were mistreating him as a child, abusing him. He is feeling unworthy and hates himself. But why? Some reasons must exists for his parents to treat him bad. ” Because they are stupid characters, retarded NPC, abject torturers and moronic villains, like the Thenardieres who tortured Cosette in “Les Miserables”, to gain some stupid money and to show some foolish demonic grims, because the stupid writer Victor Hugo thinks that this is funny to read. Absurdity, all is absurdity with the stupid AI characters, devoid of all meaning or personality. I always felt a deep disgust facing them, a repulsion, like being forced to live in a underground cell with reptiles and rats. I solved the riddle, how can I go home? I want to take a nap, I am tired of this shitty game.
If you are feeling fury, this is a good sign. The process of recovery has started.
We must try to look at all painful situations like this: what is the actual, deepest pain ? The parents treated him bad, but why did this made him suffer? Suffering was already in him, his parents only pushed those buttons. ( I’ve seen a kid playing passionate with a lego car he built and the father walked nervously into the room and hit the boys car with the foot, shattering it to pieces. The kid looked at it and said something like “well.. that’s gone” with almost amusement. I was amazed thinking: I would have cried or got really angry. The kid didn’t had a pain inside regarding this, and didn’t consider this action as painful. And I was there, I would have immediately sensed any emotion the kid would have had. But he was almost amused. Suffering is always inside of us, even as kids. ) What is that suffering? What was the little kid expecting from his parents? For his father to be wise, to teach him stuff, to take the kid with him to fishing or other activities? And in return he received mocking, beatings, denial of normal activities. This made him suffer. What he knew in his heart as normal, what he would have loved to experience… didn’t match what he was experiencing. Why? Why didn’t it matched? Here is the drama actually, not the physical pain of a beating. This friction created by what the kid wanted to experience and what he actually experienced let him to believe it is his own fault that the things are not the way he wants. He might be the one who has a problem, he thought… in an unconscious manner.
Whenever something happens that is not according to our will, we perceive that as punishment. This is very important. And punishment means you did something in order to deserve that things are not how you want. In an unconscious manner the kid thought that he is to blame, but he could not figure out why. “Why ? Why am I to blame? What did I do? This is not correct, I didn’t do anything.” And it is correct… things happening agains our will doesn’t mean it is a punish. They are just things agains our will. No one is to blame, in a sense. For example: the cold outside, the murky weather is agains what I want, it really is. Is it my fault that I don’t experience what I want? This is a big question.
This is a pattern: self guilt appears when things go other that what we want. It is a faulty neural wiring. Do you know, for example, that the number one pattern of guilt for victims of rape is that they consider they did something in order for the rapist to rape them, do you know that most victims consider themselves to blame for what happened and are ashamed and hate themselves? Whenever something happens that puts us to experience something that is the reverse of what we would need and expect to experience, makes us think that we might have did something in order to deserve that. It’s a faulty neural wiring (intentionally designed like this).
Let’s think deeper. What was the actual pain the kid felt when he was receiving the mistreat of his parents? What did he feel in those moments? Deceit ? Betrayal ? What was the deepest pain? Fear of being toss to the “wolfs”, left in the cold to survive all alone? Fear of being un-nurtured, left alone to survive? Fear of death ? “How will I survive without them, but who will I survive with them?” Did the kid feel that he must accept the mistreating of his parents as his only chance of survival? This is the core: how this kid perceives life and how does he feel about survival. If you take away nurture, from any kid, you deeply severe his survival safety. There is only one big trauma behind all this story. Something that the kid doesn’t see. Trauma is only a question without answer. What is that question ? The kid still asks that question to this day.
And another important note:
In all cases of trauma – and we all have a case of trauma – we also deal with a very huge issue that prevents the person from really recovering: his developed identity. A child who is abused from a young age grows up like a tree watered with that trauma, and thus: his identity, personality, skills, behaviour, thinking process, etc are built around this trauma. The kid grows ways of defending himself against this trauma, and thus his personality, skills, etc – are built around the trauma itself.
This is a very very very important aspect of why victims of trauma are almost faced with an impossibility to really want to heal the trauma. All their identity is built around it, like an ivy bush on a tree. If you take away the tree, the most at hand presumption the being has is that he will loose everything he is. His own identity is built around this tree, this trauma, year after year. Now we ask that being to let go of that trauma, it is suffocating him, he needs air and real freedom. But do you know how hard the kid is actually fighting to defend the trauma, unwilling to let go of it? As if letting go of the trauma will take away from him everything he is, he knows. What will be left of him if you take away the problems, something unconscious in him wonders.
Many people are more afraid of healing a trauma, than living with it. And this is a big issue, that relates once again.. to a being knowing its true self or not. If a being feels even for one second it’s true essence, he understands/remembers the truth of what he is, and after that moment he knows that he exists when all of these dissolve: his skills, his personality, thinking process, etc. But if that being is unsure of his existence he keeps tight to the only form of existence he knows at this time: his trauma and his pain. This is why it is actually not so easy to help someone heal, because first that being needs to really want to heal – to let go of that trauma. This is the most difficult choice it is required from him, once he decides to honestly let go… the trauma is healed almost by the instant.