The deception of psychotherapy

This text was written as a short response to a comment left by @MariaElena on the video “The Void is our door Home”.

(excerpt from MariaElena’s comment)
“I believe we are born into trauma, and this matrix machine is set up this way. ‘The Predator gave us it’s mind’ as is said in one of Castaneda’s books..”

I agree Maria. Our traumas are never caused by anything that has ever happened to us, they are just there “by design”. This is what I see that few people realise, especially.. people which have been caught up in this deception called “mainstream psychotherapy” or “pop-spirituality”. This form of self help that teaches that you are in control of your life, and its solely up to you to cure your wounds and your traumas, by applying a practice or another.

I’m far from saying all psychotherapy or spiritual practices are deceptive, btw, but most of them, in the form that they have been given to the public, I believe they are. And that’s because most of these practices and teachings sell this idea that a person’s traumas solely exist because of something that happened to that person in childhood, for example, or as a result of a painful event that happened at some point in that person’s life. And the person is made to believe that if one manages to psycho-analyse its problems, and “understand” why that traumatic event happened, then.. all of the sudden.. that trauma is healed/solved. Whereas, the way I see it, the traumas that we experience in our life, never begin with the traumatic events that happen in our life, and never end with us “psycho-analysing” those events🙂 Like the heads of the Hydra, each traumatic event is just an enactment of a much deeper, invisible, core trauma.. that is already inscribed within us, by design, and never truly dies, independent of how many times our “traumas” are “healed”, eg: the individual heads are severed.

What few people seem to get is that this entire cosmos is based on trauma, and that the “original sin” is a very real thing.. that we all “carry” within, even if we realise it or not. We all carry this “Hydra” within, and there is never an escape from trauma, in my opinion, not until our current consciousness is drastically changed. And all psycho-spiritual practices are a mere continuation of the same attempt of “drugging the effects”, without truly curing the cause.

I am far from saying that curing the effects of our suffering is something intrinsically wrong either, but when the effects are taken to be the cause, and our traumas are taken only at face value, without any further investigation and deeper understanding of their real cause and nature, then that’s dangerous in my opinion.

This is why I came to view most self help practices as evil, in a way. Instead of making people aware of the true condition they are in, and perhaps giving them a means to face the unspeakable fear that lies at the core of each of their hearts, most mainstream psychotherapy and pop-spirituality just teaches more “cleaver” ways in which to hide once again from that core fear/’original sin’, creating a false feeling of control, in a world in which clearly.. we have no idea who we are, how we got here, what this world truly is and how things truly work, etc – but hey, let me believe myself in control of my life🙂

It takes a lot for a true human being.. to admit the obvious: we have no true idea of anything, really. And, from my experience, only the Void, the Pure Unknown, the Nothing can cure and wash us of all illusions, all ignorance.. and thus: cure the source of all the “traumas”, like cutting into the core of the Hydra itself.

It takes everything, in a way.. to allow oneself to die in this most absolute forms.
But this type of death is the only one that can yield our true life back.
Until we die in this way, we are just dead.. but we don’t know it.

Denisa, Aug 2, 2024

2 Responses

  1. Don’t take this personally, but i feel to be bit harsh with my owrds here: I think your view on this topic is rooted in ignorance (about therapy) and I think you’re also missing the point.

    The point and purpose of psychotherapy is to help an individual get out of their distructive (self or otherwise) patterns of thinking, being, behaving, existing. It’s there to help people find peace in their lives, maybe even happiness. It also works for many many people achieve that.

    Therapy is there also to understand the mechanisms of the mind which lead to those distructive patterns, means it looks at the mind, makes connections, interpretations and no, it doesn’t look just at childhood trauma, it looks at ones ancestors, the extended family, past lives, also looks at self created blcokages and mind slips and beliefs and so on, it digs much deeper to find an explanation. That whole process makes a map of ones mind, the subconscious etc. Tell me another time in history when such level of awareness someone has achieved. The point is not therapy in and of itself being good or bad, the point therapy makes is about being aware of my own life, my own mind, my emotions. When in history have people been so aware of their own mind and emotions?

    Moving forward, it’s quite obvious that “the predator that gave us its mind” that you mentioned..well, each one of us got a little piece of that mind, and in my opinion each one of us has the responsiblity to become aware of that piece of mind, and transcend it, but not by rejecting it, or pushing it out or away, or escaping into the void to not deal with that mind, I think we have to go through it, understand it, see it for what it is, to feel it and then transmute it so to say. And yes we as souls in this world we have the capacity to do that. And each one of again, got a part of that mind, and each of one us has an unique angle that we experience it from. I feel that this is our purpose here, it’s quite obvious by now tbh, because if this is not it, then our existence here makes no freaking sense. Sure, maybe some souls came as spectators or other roles, but overall i think the main purpose of this game is indeed to understand this mind that you mention and outgrow it, or grow out of it rather, that being done by us individually working our our own little piece that we took upon us.

    1. My position here is drastic Seb, mainly because my position comes from the interest of finding a way to get back to our True sense of Self, which.. in my opinion.. has nothing to do with our character here.. in this “game”. The character in the game is the one that has traumas, and I agree.. that different methods can be employed to deal with these traumas, what I disagree with (severely) is with people thinking that if they alleviate the effects of their trauma, by psycho-analysing them or by any other means, that this would get them to realise more of who they are – as their True Being. Which, in my opinion, is false.

      One can stay and psycho-analyse the traumas of the character for eternity, perhaps, and have zero clue about who or what one truly is in reality. It’s similar to being interested in developing the character in a game, rather than being interested on who the player is.

      On the other hand, what I found out.. through experience, is that.. as much as I gave my self to my True Self, which yes.. can only be found in the pure Nothingness, Void, Stillness, etc.. as much my character in the game improved, traumas got “solved as if by miracle” and so on.

      Do you see what I’m saying? It’s one thing to think you yourself are in control of your life.. and it’s solely up to you to cure your traumas and it’s another thing to understand that your life is much less in your control than you’ve been made to think, and that you’re life is almost entirely run (traumas included) by forces which rely almost completely out of your control.

      The thing here is that.. you will get much more “results” if you learn how to give up control over your character.. to your True Self, by resting in this state of pure awareness, void, the nothing, etc. This is the bardo state.. between the world of the game and the Real, and this is where.. you true sense of Self can find you again.. if you are willing to “show up”. But you have to make this effort, you have to put everything “on the line” sort to speak. “All in” as Chiron Last would have put it.

      You have to show you are willing to do this almost super-human effort, and then.. everything is there to meet you, things your heart always knew and yearned for.. unknowingly. There is an entire life Seb.. waiting, calling, for you! I know this whole subject with psycho-therapy is a sensible thing for you, but with this.. I can only ask that you trust me.

      As much as we give up control over our character.. to our True Self.. as much as our character’s life truly starts developing in the right direction, our true memories are restored, the health of the body, our true magical powers, and more… much much more.
      In a way it’s like that saying.. you have to give up control.. in order to truly gain it.

      Btw, I’ve just came back from some days in the wild, gained further clarity on these subjects.. and recorded two videos specifically on this topic of how to regain back our magical abilities, the health of the body, etc.
      Those are probably going to be posted in Aug or Sept this year, let’s see.


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