Be human by learning to feel
Emotions are the messengers of the unconscious.
Direct strings that shows us a part of our unknown self.
I could say almost no-one, at this moment, knows how to properly deal with emotions.
We almost all know how to re-act to emotions. Which means: discard of them.
But rarely anyone knows how to properly use them. Which, in my opinion, means: feel them.
Emotions are one of the driving forces of this universe.
A raw energy of life, that can be used to destroy or create.
The veritable “energy liquid” of the universe.
A substance that can be used for healing or for travelling, for energy boosting, for communication, for memory storage, and more.
When presented with an emotion we all basically have two options: either we drink it or we discard of it. At the moment of this writing, I could say that what the human mind knows best is how to discard of it as rapid as possible.
And we do this by transforming the emotion in something and send it away from us. We usually use emotions as fuel to create actions. Either words, or physical actions, or work, or art, or make love, and so on.
So one way to use this raw force of life is to convert it in actions.
Growing ourselves by learning to feel
When you have an emotion I could associate this with gaining an 100ml bottle of free energy.
What do you want to do with it? Most people have learned to quickly give this energy away. There were lots of ways in which this giving away culture has been achieved. One main way I could mention is that the human mind has grown obliterate of what our own unconscious truly is and has apparently forgotten our natural condition of being friends to it. We all allowed ourselves, at some point, to fear this life within, which means: fearing this unconscious, this unknown within.
This is where life comes from, you know? Either if it’s from a person, a star, a galaxy.. life always comes from the unconscious within us. From my own observations, this unconscious is the veritable fountain of life.
And in this universe here, the unconscious first speaks to us in the form of emotions.
I usually think of the unconscious as a mass of wool material. Emotions I see them as the first threads that are being pulled from that mass of wool. Using the threads we knead shapes and forms, thoughts and actions, that later become what we commonly know as physicality.
We can either use emotions externally, outside of us – and shape them into physical forms like: words, thoughts, actions, objects, etc. And thus: grow our exterior reality. Or.. we can use emotions internally and shape them into.. well: ourselves. We can expand and build ourselves, by learning how to feel emotions.
If emotions are just our own unconscious made conscious in the first perceivable form, learning to feel them internally means integrating our unconscious into our conscious nature, and thus: grow ourselves. And from my experience, feeling an emotion is a quite different process than just sensing an emotion. When I say feel an emotion I refer to the conscious and deliberate act of feeling. Letting them pass through me. Observe, absorb and enjoy their flavour, rather than turning them into an immediate action or thought. I feel an emotion just in the same way I eat an apple. I stop any other thing and feel. And thus: the information a specific emotion carries from the unconscious unites with my conscious awareness, becoming me. I grow myself by feeling my emotions.
Blocking our ability to feel
Let’s say a certain emotion brings forth a certain raw information from the unconscious. Which means: a cup of raw life. We can give that life away or we can add it to ourselves.
What most people – almost the whole society at this moment, I could say – has learned to do is how to give that energy away. How to quickly act their emotions in the exterior reality. How to pass them forward to the other person or to the environment. Especially in human interactions, it appears to me like few beings have the capacity to feel their emotions and not immediately bounce them to the other person in the form of a word, an action or even a thought.
Suppressing emotions without feeling them also is a way of externalise them through the body. So now the body is taking in that raw cup of energy, neither expressed nor felt, and according with its own coding, the body is adding that energy to itself, storing it for later in the form of celular memory, or if the body is capable: process it. Few bodies are capable of processing emotions at this time, without the help of their conscious driver. Usually the body would store that emotion in a physical manner and display it physically to the conscious driver, in order for that user to decide what to do with it. This is why with too much un-processed or repressed emotions, a body can collapse. A body is also constantly changing form depending on how we deal with our own emotions.
So many beings who have externalised their emotions prior to feeling them, they packed all that energy and freely gave it away, without making use of it. Small amount of energy remained to them, and many of them became hungry for energy. The so called energy vampires are just beings who were not made acquainted with how to deal or befriend their own unconscious, which means: their own fountain of life, and thus: are afraid of themselves. Beings who have small training into how to process or feel their own emotions. Some beings are that afraid of themselves, that they appear they have almost no connection to that inner giving life source. Again: it’s only fear blocking them. And fear most of the times can be cured with practice and patience.
And then there were suppressing drugs invented. That would help one de-sensitise itself from its own emotions, through a sort of fear induced chemical or drug. These persons would become so incapable of feeling emotions to the extent that they were not even sensing them. It’s like their unconscious would send waves and rivers of energy and information to them, but these rivers were derailed or somehow encircled in a closed loop circuit that would send the waves back. So now these beings were not even sensing emotions, not to mention learning to feel them.
So a lot of their behaviour became automatic, driven by the impulse of seeking food and outside energy – as much full with life as possible. This is where many got obsessed with sex and the energy driven from it, as in the sexual act and in the orgasm we are – for some moments and time – almost fully immersed with our unconscious, and thus: we become life itself.
Many others felt for different practices like rituals of eating or extracting the energy of life forms that contained a lot of emotions, and thus: life, and so on.
Many of the beings who had the suppressor drug, had to – at some point – activate it by consuming the energy of another. So when one bit for the first time the forbidden “apple”- then he, himself became a vampire – doomed to not feel emotions the same way it did before, and thus: be hungry for energy.
Resting thoughts
In my opinion for the true evolution of the human species, beings need to learn how to feel. How to make proper use of their emotions and thus: befriend their unconscious.
We could even see the loop of experience humans have been in collectively, if we are to see that throughout all official history the eras have changed, the technology, clothing, appearances of humans have changed. Still.. the same pulls and drives, the same dramas and traumas, joys and sorrows – the same range of emotions are still being re-enacted over and over.
That, in my opinion, comes from humans collectively needing to still learn how to feel their own emotions. How to own them.
A huge load of emotions can cause a severe trauma for a certain individual with small training into feeling them. I could say that almost all roots of mental illnesses comes from people not knowing how to feel their own emotions. We could do almost anything to avoid feeling an emotion. Being confronted with that raw, unknown, material of life – which is ourselves – scares us most than anything. We all learned coping mechanism, and defence mechanism and social skills 🙂 to defend ourselves from this nuclear power within.
I see a time for humans evolving back towards their natural ability to feel. A time for curiosity towards our own humanity and the real extent of what this could truly be.
Lastly, I think I spent 12h last night looking into videos of people with mental illnesses, and crying like I might not have cried since I remember, looking at these, what I considered, courageous beings who have started publicly speaking of their conditions, and the underlying abuses and traumas that led to them.
In this one video, this girl living with borderline personality disorder, depicts:
“It’s just that when I’m experiencing that emotion the only thing I know how to do to get that emotion to go away is to act out.”
And by the way, I believe that what this youtube channel sustained by this guy and his girlfriend with 5 mental disorders is doing at this moment, bringing light and openness to people with severe mental or physical illnesses, is ground braking and probably one of the most prominent signs I’ve seen lately that this earth might have a chance to heal.