The false version of spirituality

The egotic mind has made a race even out of this most holiest of processes: the spiritual journey.

So many have again bitten from the rotten fruit of competition and fear, buying into this story that one’s true nature can be achieved by some form of spiritual evolution.

This is why I feel to “spit” on the ego’s version of spirituality.

And this is why I’m saying that this illusory realm is a 99,99% copy of the true and genuine reality.

With even the concept of heaven, or the “Real”, or spirituality being transformed and bastardised into an un-natural, fear based and competition type of game.

Instead of entering into this most holiest of journeys completely naked, vulnerable, pure… pure and empty as one would have it’s own rib cage opened and its very living heart fully exposed to the environment, most minds and souls have still been tainted with the corrupted, ill version of spirituality.
A version of spirituality in which, again, there is something to “achieve” – either enlightenment, either self realisation, either some form of higher knowledge or assets that distincts one from the rest.
Even in this most holiest of processes many of us have allowed ourselves to fear. The fear that others might be “way ahead” of us, being more spiritually advanced or superior than us, or that us we are more superior than them, has again infiltrated the purity of our hearts.

It’s a falsity! Lovers… this is false!
Nothing can ever make us more or less than one another!

I call for your hearts to remember their truth, their origin and their nature!
Shake off of your kingdom the rats and the mites!

If there is any type of fear between us… any type of comparison.. “I am better than” or “I am less than” .. than our true authentic path has not even began. How can one step onto the pathless path of one’s true nature.. if one believes spirituality is a journey or a path?

In the true Heaven there is nothing to be gained, and that’s what most minds cringe when they hear. The mind wants for things to always be a “thrill”, always a game of sorts, with risks and advantages.

This is why the simple, the quiet, the empty.. is so feared by the Mind.

But the Heart is already completion, as Chiron Last would put it. What is it to gain for the Heart, when the Heart has never even lost anything at all? And yet.. we are living in a perpetual state of loss.. since the true Reality, to which our Heart is the portal and bridge towards, has been seemingly forgotten.

Truly beggars begging at the gates of our own Kingdom.

There’s nothing anyone has to be, or achieve, or do.. to be accepted in the Real Heaven.
But.. if one wants to play the game of “getting” into the false heaven.. there’s almost everything one has to be, do and achieve… to “book” its ticket there.

And this is why most of us have preferred to play the “game of heaven”, rather than actually accepting our true place in the True Heaven – the true Home which never left us and we never left.

Lover… shake off of your heart these illusory thorns!
The magnitude, profundity, majesty.. that awaits.. each and every one of us, after we make the courage to step into the unknown of what we are, is unspeakable. And should remain unspeakable, unthinkable.. this is how its purity is preserved.

And the paradox is that.. even if played for eternity, the false “game of heaven” will never bring one to completion. One would never find that false promised land, that “Shell Beach”, because.. that false heaven.. doesn’t exist! There’s only one true heaven, only one Home, and that’s the one we already have!

So consider for yourself… do you still want to play this kaleidoscopic game of fear, competition, division, acquisition or loss… or is the entirety of you (Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit) ready to truly “come back home”? To that which was never lost, nor can ever be gained?

DN May 3, 2024

One Response

  1. Yeah your thoughts are very poetics and in some respects you’re right. But…
    You can’t sustain that life isn’t a perpetual battle. just think about surviving. Here is this part of the world( almost need to say a damned one and I’m closest to you) is pretty difficult even to survive and sometimes this survival implies to be someone’s serf. If you’re blessed not having this condition is a such things, but a large majority of us aren’t so gifted, so… .
    I heard about the Saints ones who were and still are above this conditioning. But what a process becoming like them. So there is a Path becoming alike. You cannot denying. Eating just simbolicall, don’t feeling anymore the cold or the heat and so on. You, yourself in one of your writing mentioned that sex isn’t compatible with a true Life( even if is fun, according to you) . So there is a struggle even that the kingdom of Heart is always Here, our Home, awaiting us to return. Return is a verb that designates an action . We are in a competition or better in a struggle, a harsh one, with ourselves. And we may burn( aka perish) in the process. Fire warms us, purify us but also may burn. And isn’t such fun at all. Strange when is very cold the sensation sometimes is the same. Like for the centers in ours brain responsible for pleasure or pain that are in such amazing proximity. The question that remain is that for the moment we are also flesh and we cannot just ignore it. This flesh has her needings. Even the minimum ones. Oh life should be such a miracle even for us rhe human ones but…are we made it complicated?. Apparently yes … Or no? Was it at moment in time one major event on the Earth , after which our brain became divided? So much answers .
    Our history is fascinating , occulted( maybe intentionally) and in a way such a sad one. . Thank you for the poem of Rumi, and wish You all the best , be blessed by the grace of our Lord.

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