The True and the False Death

Even though I have heard many of the theories about death, including the soul trap, the white light theory, etc etc, I will share with you what my personal and internal sense tells me about death. I personally feel that there are two types of death: the false death and the real death.

The false death, I believe, is dying without first becoming aware and conscious of oneself. Eg: dying unconsciously. This is the death that most of humanity experiences. This is the death that comes “when it so pleases”, most of the times unpredictably and painted in a shade of violation. A person dies physically.. in unexpected circumstances, but without first realising one’s true nature – who and what one truly is.

Then.. I think, there is another way to die. And this is what I’ve called the True Death. And I know very little about this second type of dying, but the little that I know about this true type of death comes from three experiences that I’ve had during the course of this life.

The first experience happened in my childhood, around the age of 11 I think, when my grand-grand mother died.. and I was looking through the window at her funeral procession. In that moment, I wondered within myself.. “What is death? What will it be like when I die?” And instantly.. I had this internal image/realisation.. that.. there is no death. No one ever dies, and that what death actually is.. is me remembering myself, who I truly am.

The second experience is something that I constantly am able to experience whenever I quiet my mind.. and access this pure state of awareness. When I do this.. I can feel what I can describe as my true body which is asleep. I know I am asleep somewhere and dreaming this life experience here, so I instinctually know that at some point I am going to wake up and when that happens this entire experience here either ends or changes, somehow. And this I equate for the true death.

Thirdly, an experience that I’ve also described in a comment left on Non Conformist Radio 2’s video “I am that I am”. This experience happened last December, 2023, when I was again in this state of pure awareness. I was starring at a blank wall.. with a perfectly quiet mind, and all of the sudden.. there was this enormous state of lucidity. I started sensing my true real self, my true real existence. I felt so clear, so knowing of myself (and it only felt like 0.00001% of what would be my true lucidity, btw) .. and in that moment I knew, I instinctually knew.. “this is how it is to die”. I knew that that was death.. and from that moment on.. I understood, I truly knew death is nothing more than a coming back to pure aliveness, lucidity and memory of myself. Like waking up from amnesia.

So that’s the True Death: us just gaining full lucidity of who and what we truly are. Regaining back our true sense of self, our true self memory, skills, knowledge, powers, etc.

But… is this what happens when we physically die? That’s a question we all need to inquire and try to find the answer to, I guess. Because my internal sense tells me.. no. Physical death is not this type of True Death – remembering and gaining full lucidity of oneself – not necessarily at least. Physical death could very well just be a transposition of our consciousness, from this physical form.. and into another form (either astral or etheric form or it could be another physical form altogether). We could very well “die” physically.. but still be unconscious of ourselves.

And in this type of unconscious death, the consciousness that we have at the moment of death might just be transformed from this physical form and into another form, retaining the same level of consciousness somehow, but without gaining full memory and lucidity of who and what we truly are.

If we die in this way, unconsciously, we could find ourselves in another form, but still not knowing why we are in that form, what is that new realm that we have just passed in “after death”, what was that previous experience called “physical life”, and so on and so on. We might lack much knowledge, and thus: we might not be in full awareness and consciousness of who and what we truly are.

So this is, btw, one definite trait that I remember about the True and Real Reality: in the True and Real Reality we all have perfect and permanent, ABSOLUTE knowledge.. of who and what we truly are, and who and what everything else is. So if we would manage to Truly Die, eg: wake up to the True and Real Reality, we would manage to have our complete knowledge of ourselves restored. Thus, if we would truly die (eg: become truly alive again) we would know what everything so far was, what everyone and everything is, eg: we would have absolute and complete knowledge over ourselves and our reality. But if, after the so called physical death, we find ourselves in any other condition than that of absolute and full knowledge of ourselves, this is how we can know.. that we haven’t truly died, but just “crossed the fence” from an unconscious world to another unconscious world. From a construct, to another construct. We might know more of who and what we are, in that new construct, eg: “after life”, but we might still miss and lack complete knowledge and remembrance of ourselves and everything else.

So now I think it might begin to appear clear that.. if we manage to truly die, eg: become fully aware of ourselves, the possibility to be tricked by the “white light”, the angels, demons or other entities, becomes completely impossible. Because.. if we manage to truly die, we become in full power and knowledge, completely, of who and what we truly are.

And full knowledge means: knowing everything instantaneously, so needless to say.. the ability for us to be tricked would be impossible, as we would know immediately and completely the intentions and the reality of everything around us. But.. if we falsely die, eg: the usual unconscious physical death, than yes.. we wouldn’t have actually died, mainly just switched forms, and thus: we wouldn’t have gained our true and full memory and knowledge of ourselves, and .. yeah, we could be tricked at the moment of death or different things could happen.

So, in my opinion, what a true real being should aim for.. is learning how to truly die.. before physical death occurs. How to achieve this, from my experience so far, is by the enormous and herculean effort of quieting the mind, and staying in this neutral, quiet, empty space of awareness. What can also be described as the Pure Void.

By staying in this state of pure awareness, pure nothing, pure void.. from my experience, all illusions are washed gradually from us. We start remembering who we are, more and more, we start remembering who and what everything else is. And more.. so much more starts happening.

So, in my opinion, if we wait for physical death.. and we think.. “Oh, I’ll just avoid the white light or the angels/demons”, etc, how do we know.. that we would even be capable of achieving that? Since.. the experience of physical death might be so unexpected, so overwhelming, how can we predict our reaction in the immensity of that moment? Heck, we can hardly predict how we would react if we get a sudden flat tire on the road.. the surprise, the panic, the adrenaline, the fear. How could we know that at that immense moment of physical death we would even be able to “hold out wits together” enough to say “no” to the white light, or to anything else that might appear in those moments?

This is why I think that we need to learn to die before dying. For anyone who is truly serious about this, I think the only true and real way.. is to achieve if not full self consciousness, then at least as much self consciousness as one is able to while alive. While we are in this physical body here. Thus, in my opinion, one would need to start devoting its time with extreme seriousness to this practice of pure awareness, which automatically purifies our heart, granting us more and more memory and lucidity over who and what we truly are.

And this is, in my opinion, the hardest thing to do.. and testimony to this remains the otherwise hidden and occult work of the alchemists, original christians and authentic spiritual beings across time, which – some of them – aimed at achieving exactly this, in my opinion.

July 23, 2024

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