The true nature of Nature
This text was written as a response to a comment left by @MariaElena on the video “Who is ready?“.
The comment mentioned the predatory and evil nature of nature, and this gave me the inspiration to write and share a bit of my insights and thoughts on the subject.
During the years, I’ve came across this – primarily gnostic I would say – idea that all matter is intrinsically evil and is one of the mediums created for the imprisonment of our Spirit. I give credits to this view.. as in all right consideration, nature does appear – at first glance – to be evil. Indeed.. everything in nature eats and consumes everything else, there is savageness and cruelty, and even a perceived indifference to nature and its phenomenas, but allow me to share a bit of my deeper insights and knowledge on the subject.
First off.. a bit on where my knowledge “comes” from.
Throughout my life experience so far, since I was a child, I intrinsically felt the instinct to base almost all my understanding of reality on what I could perceive through my internal sense. Eg: internal knowledge, insight or intuition. And much of this internal knowledge would come from years of self observation and observation of the world and people around me, correlating it with some form of internal sight, or intuition – which I believe, btw, we are all able to access. Secondly, I tend to base my understanding of reality on my own direct experience.
So even though I’ve came into contact, from time to time, with different philosophies, different schools of thoughts (didn’t read that many books nor delved that much into any philosophy, btw) an inner instinct constantly made me feel to stick primarily to my internal knowledge. And I’ve stuck to this internal truth even in times when I felt extremely lonely, afraid and in doubt.. with no guidance, no one to talk to, no one to ask for help or advice. And I’ve continued to stick to this.. even when I was presented with different spiritual ideas, teachings, views or practices.. that sounded somehow right, but not completely. Even though I felt so alone and I wanted to find a group, some people with whom I could start deducing what this reality is, putting our skills and knowledge together, if those philosophies or world views that were presented to me.. felt internally wrong, or missing some pieces, I preferred – even at the cost of my own debilitating solitude – to stick to my internal truth, and my internal knowledge. I wrote this short introduction just for you, or anyone else reading this, to understand that my primal source of knowledge has been and it’s always going to be internal knowledge. And I am evaluating every piece of information that I hear in my external reality, first and foremost through this internal sense, and I would advise anybody else to do so as well.
So in this light, I can share what my internal core sense of truth is telling me – so far, at least – about the topic of Nature.
From what I was able to perceive so far, Nature – at its core – similar to everything else I would say, is far.. extremely far from being intrinsically evil. Nature and the Earth is, in a way, an ancient, organic creation which pertains to a true and original feminine being. A singular feminine being which is the base, the material, from which our entire reality is created. She is everything we touch, hear, taste, smell, and everything we don’t touch, we don’t see, and we don’t smell, etc. She is the visible, and the invisible. She is both matter and energy.
In her original form, this Primordial Feminine Being is used to create every form, every shape, every creation. She is the Nothing, the Void, the primordial ocean of life, the Prima Materia of the alchemists. A pure and neutral substance from which everything can be created.
Originally.. this pure and neutral substance has been shaped by the Will of our Spirit, and made into what could be described as the original and organic, natural, version of creation. Then.. something happened.. and that original version of creation got distorted, manipulated, rigged.
Hence, right now.. we human beings live in two different creations – sort to speak – simultaneously. The original and organic, natural, version of creation – which is always here. And the artificial, false and distorted version of creation – which like a veil obstructs the original.
This secondary, artificial creation is – like a veil – juxtaposed upon the original and acts like a medium of distortion. Similar to a distorted mirror, this secondary creation distorts our perception of the natural and original creation, which is always here, presenting it to our senses in an unnatural, most of the times inverted, way. This is when life is turned agains itself becoming anti-life. Eg: death. The epiphany of good becomes the epiphany of evil. This is when the true matter (true mother) is turned against itself, becoming anti-matter.
What we currently perceive with our five senses is mostly the inverted and distorted version of creation, and not the original and true version of creation – which is also here, ready to be perceived by the one’s which work in a certain way to purify their hearts.
So this distorted version of Nature, that which – in all rights – some people call “evil nature” is just the version of Nature pertaining to the distorted version of creation. In its original form Nature is anything but evil! Matter is anything but evil! It’s just the distorted version of matter, the distorted version of Nature, that is what appears as evil, predatory, etc. So when we refer to Nature we need to make sure to not “throw the baby with the water”, and catalogue the entirety of Nature as being evil, which is not only false.. but dangerous from some perspective, because.. at some deep level of ourselves, that true level of our Spirit, we are all extremely and deeply interwoven in an unspeakable way with the original and organic version of Matter, Earth and Nature. To discard all Nature, based on its current distorted form, would be like to abandon your child, your partner, or your parent.. just because it got a disease.
Our current version of reality is ill and diseased, but.. should we discard this entire reality.. just because of a current disease? Should we abandon our ill dog, or diseased parent, or child.. just because right now it’s going through something extremely difficult or unpleasant? Or should we stick by them, trying to help them in the extent that we can?
When I look at Nature, when I am in Nature, I cannot see anything but the original form of it. My Soul Knows! Something in me REMEMBERS. I feel deeply touched, without my Will. I Know. I See. I experience. I hear the invisible touch of the true Earth, the true Matter, and the True Spirit residing within it. And I believe that if you or anyone else is honest .. I think you are feeling it too. I think we are all feeling that there is something precious and of value in this apparent evil and apparently indifferent nature. But what? What is it? And that’s for all of us to know and understand privately, intimately.. really and truly. That’s the mystery of Life that awaits to be discovered and it’s everyone’s true and ultimate revelation, in my opinion.
So that’s my short description of how I view and perceive Nature.
DN Jul 22, 2024