Very important : The original human form / mind and matter are one!
What I’ve understood last night / remembered is something wow for the brain and logic I use at the moment.
The original, native “human” form is a creation that was worked upon by a lot of races from the real physical world (organic creation). It’s like the human form, in its original blueprint, it’s the quintessence of all the experience any being has ever had in this creation. All the beings were using multiple forms derived from their own unique perspective and experience into this creation. (forms are built according to the knowledge a being/race is gathering/understanding from exploring creation) Multiple races were having multiple “cities” and regions, and there they were exploring and experiencing creation in their own unique, individual way, coming up and creating different physical forms in which they would put all the knowledge they gathered. Physical forms always act like containers for knowledge and experience. This is were beings store their knowledge, in physical forms! Thus, the individual physical forms were a masterpiece on their own, because they contained within themselves the quintessence of the knowledge that specific being/race gathered in all their experience in the original, organic creation. But then all the races have put together all their masterpieces, all their understanding and knowledge, basically the top of the top of the knowledge they gathered and they together created the human form. The “human” form contains all the knowledge from all the creation, and has the ability to shape in any form ever created, and has the understanding of all the beings that ever lived. It can take the shape of a bird, of a dolphin, of an ant, a cloud, a stream of water, any creation that any being or race ever understood and were able to create.
So the original human form is basically the quintessence of all the knowledge ever being/race has ever gathered. And it is not like they did the human form and that’s it. This is a continuous process, as life is always on! 🙂 As long as beings continue to experience and understand life, they continue to pour their knowledge into the human form! The human form is their living masterpiece, their dedication to a specific need this creation is fulfilling.
Yes, in reality everything is fulfilling a certain need. Nothing is done out of pure chance, even chaos is a needed creation, fulfilling a certain role. Everything has logic and purpose. So a specific need exists and the beings are creating, moment by moment, through their experience the physical forms in order to fulfil that need. They are creating their own individual forms, according with their own blue print and race, and then all these forms are put together, moment by moment, discovery after discovery, into what we can call the “human” form.
This happens right now in the real physical reality, the real organic creation. Of course that here.. in this game/simulation/illusion/experiment this is very different. What we call here the “physical form ” or “human” body is like 0.00001% of what the actual, real, human body is. What we use at the moment, and call “human” body is like if you take a grain of sand and put it in a glass and make an environment around it, and experiment with. This is how small and inexistent almost the human physical body here is, compared to the real human physical body. The thing is they didn’t needed more, as the knowledge of everything is stored even in the tiniest cell, everything is like a fractal. So they’ve managed to take the tinniest cell from the real human form, and put it inside a lab like conditions and study all the knowledge it has inside.
And now the interesting part comes in. In reality what we call the mind is actually the same with the human form. Mind and matter are one. This is the masterpiece of the original human form. Change the shape of the mind, and the form is changed! Mind and matter are united, are one and the same thing ! And this is the original human form, that we … ALL inhabit here.
Even though our minds are currently in a simulation, and even though we are currently barely using 0.00001% of our real minds, and even THOUGH our minds almost look like petrified stones from all this inactivity, we.. right now have ALL the MEANS to start using our real minds to the full extent of it’s capacity that we decide and need! WE decide how much of our own minds we want to use, and how much we still want to play asleep with. We have the 100% sovereignty and power over how we use our minds! Even though in the exterior it appears that outside forces are doing everything they can to control our minds, and they DO!, we still have quantum power over that! They are able to control our minds only because we decided to experience this possibility, but this is another topic.
So what we need to remember is that… we can change our minds and thus we can change ANYTHING about the physical form we inhabit. The physical form it’s the exact state of our mind, at a certain given moment. Mind and matter are one! Each being it’s its own king over his own mind! He can come back to the original power of his mind/body bit by bit, or chunks by chunks, or if he chooses.. all at once! Every being is an individual with full capacity and intelligence and he, from his unique intelligence, decides how and what he wants/needs to do.
Change the mind and the body is changed. The human body can have any form ever created.
Cum? Cum se fac astea? Tu poti face astea, aici, in lumea asta? Sincer, daca vreau sa imi schimb mintea, ma interneaza la nebuni pana sa apuc sa schimb propria realitate. Am schimbat ca am vrut sa schimb, mi s-au intamplat lucruri ciudate, dar nu stiu daca au fost adevarate sau doar halucinatii, si mi-am pierdut ratiunea conventionala acceptata de societate si m-au internat la nebuni. Si sunt de mult dependent de pastile, si nu mai pot sa dorm fara ele.
Wow. Citind comentariul tau am observat ca m-am simtit impulsionata. Ceea ce ai descris aici mi se pare, din experienta mea, real. Mi-ar placea sa dezbatem mai departe.