Why I write the things I write?

Part1: What’s up with these writings?
Before going further with any of my writings, I decided to make a sort of introduction into where this information I express comes from, and most importantly: why do I do it.
I understand that for some minds viewing or coming to contact with the information I present (either by verbal or writing mode), this information might seem alien – like expressed by a person who is either full of imagination, loneliness or severe mental illness.
And if I would to look at myself 20 or even 5 years ago, I can relate to how some minds could perceive it as such. What I’ve seen is that until something is experienced directly it’s easy to appear contradictory or impossible for the mind.
This is why I mainly try to put out information I have attained through my direct experience. All the information I present it is uncovered solely through my own inner efforts, through self observation and inner travelling – with zero help from substances, teachers, channeling, or any outer source of information. This is something I do solely through my own will.
And here is where I need to make a mention: what I see is that although it might appear that only some minds can perceive this “extended” reality I talk about, ALL MINDS can do so ! Anyone can – and from what I see: is bonded to – see this real reality once again at some point in their experience.
Part 2: Where do I write from?
Whenever I go within myself to look at this human experience, or at a certain detail from my life, the first thing I bang my “head” on is on multiple layers of the same experience. What I see is that: EVERYTHING – from people, situations, events, etc – exists in levels, layers, sheets. Matryoshka dolls. Onion layers. Call them what you like 🙂 These levels are far from being one better than another, higher or lower than other – just different perspectives, different approaches, different lenses through which life expresses itself.
So where do I usually write from?
Level one: the human dream.
The first level I find is the most human one, containing the present human condition of what I call: dream or virtual mode. I see this level as a sort of simulation or imitation of the real reality that exists outside of this dream. Think of something similar to an 100D cinema, or a universe scale virtual reality. This truth has been portrayed in many ancient writings, being called the “big dream”, the “great illusion”, the maya, the stage, etc.
At this level we can find the human world with the regular human struggles, joys, emotions, desires and strives, occurrences, happenings, relations, events, etc. There are many things here to look at, heal or improve, and I find there are many available resources out there. From psychology to self help book, and even the mass spiritual books available. All of these can offer a good enough starting base for anyone wanting to shook itself out of this sleep, change itself or acquire a more self conscious state of living. I find almost zero interest to further add information to this level, as this has been studied by many great minds and lots of resources are already available.
Level two: The purgatory
The next level I see is the level of semi lucid living. A level of true mental and emotional work, where we generally start to understand and even remember who we really are outside of this current “life on earth” dream. I see this level almost as the purgatory – where souls can really stay here for some time to figure out their “past” human experience, deal with and heal the past traumas, realising more and more their true nature and condition. I sometimes touch on subjects related to healing, improving, working and living at this level.
Level three: The real creation
Then the next level I find is the level of pure life inside this creation. I see this level as being the level from where most of the beings boarded up to this game or experiment called “life on earth”. This level of pure life is what for many beings here would be considered as “heaven” and their home. This level appears to me as a level of such vastness of life, fullness in all directions, open end possibilities of explorations, where we really invent, explore and taste life through all of its forms – inside this creation. This is a level of living universes, the level of the tree of life, and so on. This appears to me as a level of real life outside of the dream. This is a real existence, with beings, worlds, happenings and events – but extended to an un-imaginable complexity and dimension. All we know in our current “life on earth” dream, I see it as merely a shadow.. a brief contour, a downgraded depiction of elements taken from the level of this real creation.
I sometimes publish texts from this level, talking about my home in this creation, how things are in those real realities, what life really is – in order to support people in remembering that there is more to life than what we presently see and know, and that most of their most deep inner feelings, sensations and intuitions are real, and there really is a “world” – almost all of creation except this small dream experiment we are currently in – where things happen naturally, where true love between beings can be experienced, where mostly all our longings come from.
Level four: The ocean of life
The next level I see is a level “above” or “outside” this particular creation per se. This level is a level of life before being moulded into a form. A non-created state of existence, where things exist in and of themselves, without anything creating them. I call this level: the ocean of life. I see this level as a level of full awareness, where we view all creations and all life outside creation at the same time. Basically: everything happening in this moment.
From this level we usually invent games and creations to serve for different purposes we have. The current creation we are in – with ALL of its sub-creations, worlds, universes, multiverses, etc – appears just as ONE playground from a MULTITUDE of playgrounds or oceans inside this main ocean of life. Here is the level from which we build ALL our creations, and all our creations are existing here. At this level we appear like these sort of innocent child beings, always curious to see life in action. We do many, incredibly many types of experiments and creations just to watch life happen.
I sometimes write texts from this level, and me.. as my personal passion is to explore this level the most, as here is where I find the “juice” of what is latter to become an experience of life. At this level is where we invent the book on which we later write the story. I love this level as it’s a level of pure awareness. At this level we exists similar to alive substances or essences. We always dance, morph, move, exchange, intertwine with others, in an almost ever constant dance and embrace. I feel passionately in love with this level, and so much of my being views life from this perspective. Many writings I write come from this level, my way of bringing a tribute to a home that is dear to me, and to possibly spark a remembrance or re-assurance for any being also pulsing from this level.
Level five: The inexistence
The next level I see is a level predating awareness altogether. This level is mostly what in the ancient texts I found it to be called “the unmoved mover” or “the un-caused cause”. This level is a level where existence stops having a certain attribute to it. We exists prior to existing, in a sense. Prior to creating a self. I can say we inexist 🙂 From this level we assemble our unique self, and we born ourselves into existence. We develop our own unique drop that later we add in the ocean of life.
Existence at this level I see it as a sort of radiating thing, pulsing in and out, although not in and not out, at the same time. This inexistent pulsation is what later becomes notions, concepts, information – that can be perceived. There is zero space and zero time at this level. There is zero in and zero out. There is only one state of continuous in-existence. Nothing. Everything. Still this “inexistence” I find it as the most fullest existence possible, like uniting together all the separate existences – past and future, that could ever happen or ever did, into a one single CONTINUOUS experience of life. Really a sort of continuous orgasm one cannot stop :)) I find less to write or portray about this level, as it’s beyond concepts or imagination altogether, and anything I would write about it .. it is already written :))) It wouldn’t change anything, it wouldn’t add or subtract, and I see zero help to anyone and even myself to write about it. While being at this level.. I can only live it. This level is a sort of intimate discovery anyone can do for itself, if.. its particular self is in need for this. Still.. this is the level I consider to be my real home, and this is the level from where I mostly pulse myself from. Much of what I call myself is here at this level.
Level six: The unspeakable
The next level I see is a level “pre-dating” inexistence, if that has any sense at this point :))) This is a level where really.. “light” reverts back inside itself, and everything stops. The only thing I can say about this level is “the thing we cannot speak about“. Needless to say.. I have nothing to write about it :)))
So .. i understand that.. for the majority of people reading my posts, my writings can seem alien. Much of them.. really are. The thing with me is that, unlike many beings I encountered so far, I know myself to mainly exists “outside” of this present creation. And for this reason, most of the time, although I can relate to all that happens here in this creation, my mind thinks in wave logics from those other levels. The “bigger” chunk of my being pulses itself from there and I see reality mainly from those perspectives, even when I am in this one.
Still.. in the last 3 years I worked much more intensely (I did this all my life) in retrieving “tools” that would potentially be of support for navigating this human reality – with all of its levels! I did this solely through my direct experience with life. I tried to gather these tools and knowledge I uncovered through myself, in a website that could possibly act as a support for anyone walking on this path: lumeadinoglinda.ro
And I observe myself constantly in the lookout for partners or beings who walk this path. I constantly see myself being eager to share, exchange or work together.

5 Responses

  1. Well, here it is… I have nothing to tell you, i can only hope your teachings can inspire me do discover myself. Multumesc.

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