(Dream) The Sun in the Hearts of people

May we Remember the Sacred…

(The following dream is one of the most significant dreams I ever had, revealing through symbol some of the deeper, truer aspects of our reality.. and, what I believe it to be, the true and genuine way of recovering ourselves and our world.)

(The following is the English translation of the original Romanian version, published in the form of an article, on February 07, 2019.)

At the beginning of this dream I see myself as an adolescent princess, a demi-god of sorts, living in a large Japanese style house, suspended on pillars high above the earth. I am the daughter of an important dignitary, a king, and through our house a lot of gods and highly illuminated beings were constantly strolling.

The house was beautifully crafted, from massive dark wood in the classic Japanese style, having all sorts of rooms within rooms and bridges crossing from one space to another.

With time my father passed away, my family as well, and I was almost the last one remaining in that house.

There was still a highly intelligent boy visiting me from time to time.

Somehow, something happened. The dark forces found out that I was living by myself, in that house, and sensing the weak moment they’ve seized an attack. It was night, I sensed them entering, invading the house. They were getting closer to the room that I was in and so I grabbed the hand of this intelligent boy, that was also with me in the house, and we’ve jumped together through the window.

The pillars on which the house was builded were very, very tall. Chances of survival almost none, but still I managed to decide with my mind the scenario that I will fall in the small pool of water underneath.

Here I have to mention that the house was more than just a house, it was an entire assemblage containing the house in the sky, a small pool of water on the ground and also, on the ground, there was an intricately beautiful garden. Back in the days, here in this garden I saw myself playing with a lot of other beings like me – gods, princes and princesses of different kinds. We would play together and I had so many experiences here, in this garden.

I fell into the pool of water underneath. The pool being on Earth and the house above being already invaded, I had nothing left than to enter into the world of humans. I went there and made myself one of them. But, of course, in the world of humans everything was a lie and a pretence – not because of the people, but because of this dark force that had conquered the Earth. This dark force had seized the Earth and was keeping people imprisoned in a trance like mental state, but the people didn’t knew this anymore. They completely forgot their previous life before the invasion. So finding myself there, among the people, I started telling them the truth. I was telling them how things really are, pointing out facts about the true nature of reality and what they could do to escape the imprisonment. I made myself a student at the university and there, in my environment, at the canteen or wherever I was.. I would speak about these things.

It wasn’t long before the forces of darkness, their army of robotic soldiers without individuality, found out about me and again.. one night, they entered the building I was in, trying to get to me. I managed to escape in the surrounding area.

The exterior environment was different than anything I ever saw or heard of, in any historical era. It was a world where the buildings were constructed with a lot of massive wood but also a form of cement, I think. The cities were well developed but small in size and there was a lot of vegetation, a sort of city in the middle of nature. They had technology and even though it was advanced it didn’t dominated people’s life. The majority of people lived quite simply and modestly, while everyone had everything and lived comfortably. The dark forces had allowed people to keep a decent lifestyle. But there were, like in this reality, a lot of dark agents infiltrated everywhere.. which were working to keep people’s minds seized under their control. The people didn’t knew, didn’t remember anymore (their minds were wiped), that they had been conquered and that some type of alien force was running their life.

I ran into the forest outside. It was night and it was so dark and these mindless troops were coming from so many directions at once, so at some point I just decided to lay myself on the ground and give up on my own, before they would reach me.

When they got to me I was already outside of my body. From my body they made some technologies and inventions, I remember seeing how, from my right arm, they were planning to create a weapon that had some type of powerful laser of sorts. I was an important catch for them.

Now I didn’t existed there anymore.

But the boy who jumped with me from the house in sky, he too became a human on Earth. He forgot everything though, and entered into the trance of humans. He was a simple student now, but a strikingly impactful one. His internal origin was different and he had a distinct demeanour about him, even in spite of his amnesia.

Even though this boy was of a different internal nature, he was now living his life as a regular human being. He was going to the university, hanging out with his peers, although having this pervasive “something is not right” feeling inside of him. He constantly looked suspiciously at the things around, unable to understand why but feeling something was not right. After some time he too started giving truer answers and responses to his peers. If someone would say something untrue he would step up and correct that person, and with time.. his voice started to be noticed.

Soon.. this boy started to remember me. In the sense that.. he felt me in his heart as something real, but something he could not fully remember. And so, gradually, he started speaking about me and he started describing the truth more and more to the others around.

Soon enough, of course, the dark robotic forces intercepted him.

And I remember one particular scene. This boy was in his room, in the dormitory of the university. It was night again and about 3-4 of these dark forces, impersonating some authorities, came to his room to question him. He was trying to keep himself vertical in the conversation, while these dark agents were trying to numb him with words, to put him back to sleep. That’s when I jumped in his aid. I approached him and got close to his body, he couldn’t see me. And, in a way, I was transmitting what he had to say to these dark agents, but I wasn’t transmitting these things with words, because I had no access to his mind, but rather.. with some form of sensations of knowledge that he could decipher or not. Looks like he did. He started feeling the sensations and remembering the truth. Somehow, because he became fully human, the dark forces couldn’t kill him. All what they could do is to try to make him shut up. Soon, having me by his side, his voice started to be heard and more and more people started to hear and believe him.

I don’t remember how the entire process went, but I remember the ending.

He continued to speak the truth, unmasking the reality he found himself in, and more and more people started to join him, more and more people also started to wake up. This entire process took place during the course of approximately one week in that reality where, by the way, time was much more compacted and concentrated than here. One day was much more substantial, it didn’t flew as fast as here.

On the course of that week people started to remember the truth more and more, and without the need for anyone to fight or combat the forces of darkness, but solely through remembering their own power.. this white golden immense Sun started to come out of the hearts of people. A sphere not too bright, but golden.. like a Sun that you could look at. And each individual that remembered the truth launched one of these bright Suns on the sky. At first there were one, two Suns.. but then, towards the end of the dream, I was seeing so many of them.

I remember I was standing on the ground.. looking up at the sky.. and the vista was incredible. Under the light of these bright Suns, shining now in the sky, everything was seen clearly once again. Nobody believed the dark forces anymore and their power was lost.

And this is how the dream ended, with me looking up at that incredible vista with the Suns in the sky…

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