The last day of the Chironic year 2024

The last day of the Chironic year.. 2024.
This was the year when the planetoid Chiron made its astrological return to the USA, after 50 years.
And this was the year when Chiron joined the April 08 2024 solar eclipse, creating a perfect conjunction with the Sun and the Moon (the same astrological degree and minute!), a symbol for the Holy Trinity unifying in the sky.
This type of event is unheard of.. and astrologers have officially called it: an impossibility.

This was as close to a collective miracle as we ever got so far, a clear sign from the Heavens.. sounding the alarm for those that have “eyes to see and ears to hear”. This event marked an irreversible moment in time, the cosmic clock starting to move backwards, us moving again.. towards the true, original and natural reality (our true home).. independent of how many scare crows ventured in the media, news and the public scenery of this time.. would try to convince us of the contrary.

2024.. meant the braking of the Tower of ignorance, duality and illusion, and soon.. things are going to be increasingly revealed on many different levels and scales.

2025 is the year of the revelation, the birth of the Star, and this is signified directly through the imminent explosion of the T Coronae Borealis nova.

This is the year of the so called “tables turning”, the ‘in’.. becoming the ‘out’, the obscure.. becoming the visible.

I can see how.. for me, 2025 is going to be a year of both learning and teaching.
This is the year in which I open myself to find my true teachers.
This is also the year.. in which I will be mostly working to organise and present, in a coherent form, the knowledge and information that I’ve been understanding from within, in these last 7-8 years.

The next few months are going to be somewhat thematic.
January is going to be mainly about revealing one big piece of the puzzle and starting to make a coherent sense out of the story of our existence. The second half of the month is going to present videos on a somewhat gentler and softer note, revealing some of my memories from the True Creation (the Magical Existence).

February is going to continue to reveal some other significant pieces of the puzzle and gradually starting to talk about our mission here and what we have to do to recover our True Life, our true knowledge and power.

March is going to be about learning how to correctly fight the invisible war that we are in. Here is where we are going to go deeper into the construct of this dark reality, who governs it and why, and how can we begin the true and serious spiritual training (mind, body and soul).

And then.. from April onwards I might be able to start sharing more about the core dynamic between the Masculine and the Feminine, the two primordial forces of existence, as somehow.. it all seems to always boil down to this. All roads lead to Rome.. sort to speak.

This is a serious quest that we are all under and together with the collective revelations that are coming.. things are going to get really really dark. This is why coming together is far from being a cute or beautiful or aspirational endeavour, rather.. a necessity, which is going to become more and more obvious as many more beings are going to remember more.

May we be found by the Sacred.. and may we rise in the true wisdom and strength necessary to make this grand journey together.

Life is calling for its Heroes.

Dec 31, 2024

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