The true way of dealing with Evil
As the inner process develops more and more… one starts feeling less and less afraid of Evil.
What currently prevents you (and all of us, in different degrees) from realising the Evil of this world (existing in and out), is an innate fear.. steaming from an underdeveloped Interior Light. Your Internal Sun, your True Internal Fire is not active yet, or if it is.. it is barely burning. And thus.. you are afraid of darkness, you are afraid or reluctant to recognise the Evil.. that eats at you day and night.
This world has been teaching us a wrong way to deal with Evil, mainly making us think that we have to either fight with it, trying to destroy it, or flee or insulate ourselves from it. Both of these ways are wrong and ineffective, as they only succeed at continuing Evil’s existence.
The true way of dealing with Evil.. is by calling it closer. Closer. Closer still… until it reaches the core of one’s being. At that moment, evil starts magnetically being pulled towards one’s Core Self.. similar to a planet being magnetically pulled by the gravity of the Sun’s core, and this is how Evil is absorbed in one’s Internal Sun, where it disintegrates completely.
This is when we stop running from Evil, and instead.. we turn our eyes towards it.. Towards the pain, the fear, the sorrow, the dissolution.. towards our most fearful “enemies”. We call them closer, we invite them in. We face them with as much lucidity as possible, allowing the darkness to melt into the very core of what we are.
This exact process was shown in the final scene of Matrix 1, where Neo stops running from Smith.. and instead, he starts running towards Smith. He enters into Smith, penetrating it’s skin, it’s body, and at that moment.. rays of light start coming out of Smith.. and it disintegrates completely.
This is, probably, one of the most symbolical movie scenes.. revealing directly this true process of interior transmutation, and when I understood what it refers to.. I felt baffled that this was shown so clearly in one of the most iconic movies of all time.
No shadow can ever withstand a light, and when we meet the darkness of this world.. with the True Light of our Internal Sun, the darkness dissolves.. and only the Sun, the Self, remains.
This is the true way of dealing with Evil.
As much as you are developing and growing this interior practice, this interior muscle, as less afraid you’ll be to start recognising the evil that has plagued your entire existence. You’ll finally be able to shed all the uncried tears… purge out all the voiceless shouts, and stop feeling evil.. for recognising evil.
Dec 27, 2024