Nespus / Unspoken
Vorbesti cu mine oare
In florile ce se leagana usor in vant
In aceste albine ce roiesc in soare
In emotii de bucurie si tristete
Furie si intelegere
Neputiinta si grandoare?
Imi canti oare in urechi
Acest cantec pur al tau
Prin traficul aglomerat,
plansete de copii
si rachete trimise pe marte?
Este oare tot ce vad
Doar tu…
Cantand si infatisandu-ti
Copilaria si creativitatea
Prin toata aceasta aparenta nebunie?
De ce nu ai spus asta mai clar??
Te iubesc si astfel … iubesc tot ceea ce tu canti.
Are you speaking to me
In flowers gently waving in the wind
In bees buzzing around
In emotions of joy and sorrow
Rage and understanding
Feeling hopeless and grand?
Are you singing to my ears
Your purest, perfect, song
In horning cars, baby cries and
missiles sent to Mars?
Is all of this
Just you…
Singing and showing
Your creativity and playfulness
By all this apparent madness?
Why didn’t you made this more clear??
I love you and thus… love everything you have to sing.