The true and the false death (comment on youtube video)

The following text was written as a comment to the video ‘Exploring Non-Existence’, by The Green Wizard on youtube.

Since 2019 I started to understand that what I have to do is ‘learn how to die’. It sounded scary, at first, and I questioned if I was sane to think like this. But then, gradually, over the years.. I began to understand the truth of it. There is, though, a true and a false way to die, in my opinion.

The false way is what most human beings consider “natural death”. This type of death that comes “when it so pleases”, usually under unexpected circumstances, and it’s mostly painted in shades of rape. Yep, most deaths are just expressions of rape and violation, a person dies without having any will or say in that experience. This is one facet of the false death, it never comes out of the deliberate will of the individual.

The true death, however, can only be self acquired. And yes, I use the word ‘acquired’ rather than ‘provoked’, because the true death is a gain, in my opinion. A benefit, a prize, reserved only for some. To be able to die, to truly die, is a rare occasion, “won” only by the purest of hearts, in my opinion.

To die consciously, to die without dying somehow, to remember who and what one truly is – that is what the true death is.

So paradoxically, the true death is actually a birth. A true coming back to life. A restoration to one’s full memory of self, full lucidity, like waking up from amnesia.

And this true death, I believe, can only be acquired through personal effort. It requires enormous, almost super human courage, that through an act of pure will.. one summons back its true awareness of oneself. This can be done either in one single moment.. either gradually, depending on how much courage one can summon.

Currently, I question the effectiveness of suicide, though. It might prove useful, but something makes me feel that this ‘true death’ that I am speaking about is the real, and I would say correct, way to go.

Jul 19, 2024

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