17.04.2020 The black hole and the inner sun – part1

It is this immense black hole that has covered my heart – that has a constant need for problems in order to feed itself with an identity – that has kept me in an almost complete obliviance towards real life, myself and others. The revelation of the inner sun it’s only the first step. The acceptance and re-embodiment of that is the next and all other steps that make a path.

No human can truly be alive until he sees its own dark spot.

If this black hole is not fed from within (inner sun) it will constantly create problems in order to feed itself with the attention it needs. One must always care for this inner child like it would do for the most precious of babies. If this child / black hole ever cries -> it needs attention. Zero drugs, zero food, alcohol, sex, etc. It needs direct care and attention. Finally teaching its owner about true responsibility.

I remember I once saw a movie – I think it was one episode of that series ‘The Outer Limits’ that I was watching in my childhood. The episode was depicting a man that struggled with his alcohol addiction, so he went to an obscure Chinese medicine practitioner of a sort – that told him there is a cure, but he has to be really sure he really wants to quit drinking, because he will not be able to drink ever again. The man said “yes, i’m sure” – and the doctor gave him to drink a certain tea that contained an alive creature inside. This creature would live inside his stomach and would cause severe pain and death if the man would gulp even the sightliest drop. So he was cured by becoming self responsible 🙂 It is similar in a sense. This inner black hole within – although creating so much chaos and pain -> finally teaches one about true care and responsibility. Inner sun is great, but without the proper mental ground to hold it… too much power put in hands too weak is known to have severe effects on the being and the world around. So .. there it is: a simulation where beings can self-learn about care and responsibility, thus understanding what true power really means.

2 Responses

  1. Avem cazul teniei care preia controlul gazdei si ii transmite acesteia ce sa manance si ce nu. Daca mancarea nu e pe placul teniei, aceasta elimina niste substante care fac ca gazda sa se simta rau. Conditionare pavloviana. Asta referitor la episodul cu parazitul. In psihologie “gaura neagra” launtrica este cunoscuta ca “golul, vidul interior”, care intr-adevar cere mereu si mereu alte stimulari, deoarece creierul se obisnuieste cu stimularile vechi, si are nevoie mereu de lucruri noi (neofilie). Legea pragului senzorial arata ca sensibilitatea la stimuli scade prin repetarea stimularii. Este o problema foarte serioasa a functionarii psihicului. Schopenhauer spunea ca pendulam intre plictiseala (golul launtric, gaura neagra) si angoasa (constanta lupta pentru asigurarea sigurantei de zi cu zi si a nevoilor de baza). La mijloc se afla soarele interior, o constiinta care se cunoaste pe sine, dupa o calatorie initiatica plina de peripetii, autogeneratoare de satisfactii ale cunoasterii. In opinia mea, articolul tau este bine punctat.

  2. Woooow!!!!! Incredibil! Exact asta vad si eu! Doamne inca ma uimesc cand vad ca lucrurile pe care le descopar in interiorul meu au fost scrise deja in carti, tratate, etc. Toti avem acces la aceasta directa cunoastere prin ceea ce eu numesc: statul in prezent / observatie la rece – zero ganduri, zero emotii : punctul zero. In acea liniste incep sa apara senzatii, la inceput par nebunii. Dupa se tot repeta.. aceeasi senzatie / imagine. Dupa incetul cu incetul putem sa o punem intr-un concept/cuvant. Superb comentariul, ma ajuta.

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