Occupy the space within
We need to occupy space.
We need to occupy space within our own life.
Within our own very being.
Until now our life has been mostly conducted by forces outside of our reach.
Innate forces of the universe, telluric forces of the cosmos itself.
The voices, thoughts, wills and drives of all our ancestors, all the people that ever lived on earth.
The feelings and emotions of all beings that ever lived, including animals, plants, minerals, cosmic bodies, cells, organisms, etc.
In one word: the mind and soul of the universe itself.
The mind and soul of the universe itself has been expressing itself through our own very being, driving our entire human life.
We were not alive at all, until the moment we managed to get free from the mind and soul of the universe.
Similar to riding a dragon, until we can lift ourselves above the universe itself, the universe is riding us.
We need to ride the universe, like a ship, and we can only do that by stating our own very space within our own human life.
We need to bring ourselves, our real self here in this human body. We need to occupy the space within our very awareness.
We need to fill our awareness back with the true nature of our being.
The universe needs to be tamed from inside out.
Similar to a wild horse, the universe has been running loose inside and outside of us.
We need to take control of this cosmic creature once again, by bringing our true awareness within these human bodies.
By anchoring our true awareness here, in these bodies, we take control of the cosmos from within the cosmos itself.
We need to occupy space back again within our own minds, within our own souls.
We need to take back our own control over our own very being.
We need to occupy once again the space within our own life.
And we create and occupy this space, more and more, by sitting within ourselves in true silence and stillness.
By detaching first of the mind and soul of the universe, by proclaiming our independence from it, we gradually occupy more and more of our true space within our very being.
A calm, still mind, anchored within the true space that is our very being is the way to bring ourselves back to life.
The universe can only be conquered from within.
The horse can only be tamed by the forces that created it.
The silence and space is the ultimate creator.
Bring back awareness to that true place of stillness and all the forces of the universe will succumb and listen.
Whenever you are ready to start this journey remember: follow the path of nothingness and stillness.
It will lead you home.
DN, May 18, 2022