About food in the game/movie

To start talking about food we need to first tell the real condition of our situation here. We live inside a multi-faced rubick’s cube, a movie with multiple scenarios and timelines. Everything inside the movie is exactly like in a video game: everything, big or small, is made up from the same particles, that have the same code. Each form we see is only a permutation of that code. (for untechnical readers please check “permutation” in mathematics or computer programming)

Everything we see, touch, hear, smell, sense and even think and feel is a sort of code. Everything is pre-programmed to exist like it does, even emotions, thoughts, concepts, everything.

Now we can talk about food. Any food is, of course, a piece of code. Our body is a piece of code, with it’s defined re-actions, patterns, behaviour, etc. The special thing about our bodies, though, is that the human body is a special kind of code that can auto-permute itself to countless forms and shapes. This is because the human body is responsive to the mind of it’s governor. The player governs the world he perceives, and thus also his perceived body, with his mind. If the player changes his mind, the physical appearance of the body changes. Even the environment, but this is another topic.

Of course every food we consume is a piece of code that interacts with the code of our perceived body. In our present society they named this “chemistry”. It is, in fact, just pure programming code. Actions and re-actions set, of course, for the different types of forms in the movie/game. If you eat an apple, the code of the apple has a reaction with the code of your body. If you eat a poisonous plant, the same. Now… we have 2 ways of living, aka: watching the movie. Btw.. no one is living here, every real player just watches a movie, that’s all. His real life is in the real reality behind the curtain, he is far from living here 🙂

To get back. We have 2 ways of watching the movie: the default mode and the live mode. The default mode is that in which you are a passive watcher of something that is presented in front of your senses. You have almost zero conscious feeling of yourself, and thus… you have almost zero real will, and thus… you are just fed with a movie, that sometimes you like, sometimes you don’t, and because you don’t use your will and you just consume the movie (!), you are just a consumer (!) … then you are also consumed. And so.. you consume and are consumed, in an endless circle. Energy is what you always have and so.. you literally consume yourself watching this movie, while “time” goes by.

The live mode is when you realise you are this player viewing this movie, and you start getting involved in the movie you see. Getting involved means you feel your true self and start living from your true essence. In your true self you already know WHY you boarded up to this game. You have nothing to do except to find within your heart what is your true will and just follow that. Your true WILL is not something you decide, or something you invent here in the movie (!) Your true will comes from outside of this movie and it is already set ! You already know what you need and why you need, and how you must proceed forward. You just need to listen inside of yourself. You already know. Then.. once you know, you start really acting here. That is the first time when you will be able to move your arm for the first time in your life. Until this point, where you remember your true will, everything was just running in default mode. You were moving, but you were not moving. You were seeing but you were, in fact, seeing nothing. And so on. All your decisions were taken out of instincts, fears, emotions, or social programming. That is default mode and has zero to do with your real will. Once you remember yourself you can make the first move in your life. Start with moving your arm or finger.. you will see how difficult it is, at start, to do even that… while remaining conscious of yourself, and not loosing yourself in that movement.

To get back once again. About food. Of course there are a lot of “foods” meaning pieces of codes made intentionally to fuck you up. As I say: “there are no good or bad foods, just foods that deepen your sleep less or more. “ So, when you are in default mode you can eat pretty much anything and it will not effect you too much, if you stay away from poisons 🙂 When you are dead, what else can kill you? :)) People still don’t understand that death is a state of mind, not a state of the body. Bodies can be endless, but the mind is only one and when the mind is dead, then … you are caught in hell, in an endless circle for what it seems eternity. Repetition and stagnation is a kind of death, but this is another topic.

So when you are in default mode, you can eat even shit .. it will not have such an impact, except if you are sure it will 🙂 What happens with food is interesting when you start to slightly become aware of yourself. Then you will start to notice how food impacts your brain, you awareness and thus… most important: your movie! Food is the number 1 mind drug. It is the number 1 essence that numbs your mind, attention.. and puts you to sleep. It is built as such. Because, in fact, consuming anything from this world… without consciously being aware of the process, means you keep yourself in death mode. The only way to consume something here is to give back at the same time while you are consuming. And this is possible through only one way: be 100% alive and conscious of yourself while eating. This way you “pay” attention to that reality block you are ingesting, called food. This way you “pay“ attention to it, you give it your most precious exchange coin: your attention. Remember that your attention is the fountain of life. When you “pay” attention in a really conscious approach to everything you interact with then, and only then, you stop the consuming process – paradoxically.

I recently wrote this quote: “If you are not paying attention to it, this world takes it by force”. It is exactly like this. This world steals your “attention”/“soul” each time you don’t offer it consciously in exchange for the things you take from this world. Remember that you have infinite attention. You are the tree of life, even if now.. you are only aware of one small branch. You have the fountain within you, so paying conscious attention to this world is a minimum you can do for experiencing this movie. This is actually what you knew before boarding up to this game.

So, each time you move, each time you smell something, each time you eat something, each time you feel an emotion – you have to be present. You have to be here bringing your true self, your true alive self in this game. How else are you going to really play this game, if you are not alive in it?

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