Totul se intampla cu acordul nostru. Dar nu este asa cum pare, din prima. Nu este un acord,...
Cu mâine zilele-ţi adaogi – Mihai Eminescu
Cu mâine zilele-ţi adaogi, Cu ieri viaţa ta o scazi Şi ai cu toate astea-n faţă De-a pururi...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 3c
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 3b
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 3a
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 2b
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 1b
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part 2a
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Lymphatic human parasite – part1a
This information is part of a series published by Dmitry Mylnikov, in his website: mylnikovdm . I used google translate...
Cuvinte din gura nimanui
Nu stiu ce sa ma fac cu mine. Am un suflet ambiguu, indecis. Iubesc si plang si multumesc....